Format: Dokument
Dato / Date: 18 Desember 1968
Eier / Owner Institution: Trondheim byarkiv, The Municipal Archives of Trondheim
Arkivreferanse / Archive reference: Ordføreren: Vennskapsbyer (Amsterdam), 7.
Royal Norwegian Consulate General
Amsterdam, 18.12.-68.
Herr Ordfører Odd Sagør,
Herved uttaler jeg min velmente takk til Dem og Trondheim by for det vakre Juletreet som Amsterdam har mottatt også i år.
Julegranen står nå midt på Slottsplassen i Amsterdam, og med alle sine funklende lys er den et vakkert innslag i bybildet.
Den offisielle overrekkelsen ble foretatt fredag den 6.12. – med en liten hyggelig sammenkomst på Hotell Krasnapolsky som ligger ved Slottsplassen. Det var for meg en personlig glede og ære på Deres vegne å forestå overrekkelsen av treet til Varaborgermesteren i Amsterdam, C. M. A. Elsenburg. Samtidig vil jeg også nevne at jeg på Generalkonsulatets vegne overrakte en liten gave til hans frue som hun ble meget begeistret for.
Deretter overleverte Varaborgermester Elsenburg treet videre til Kommandant Kaare Westergård som mottok det på vegne av Frelsesarméen i Amsterdam. Særlig hyggelig var det også at Kommandant Westergård holdt en liten tale på norsk, som de fremmøtte nordmenn satte stor pris på.
Som avslutning gikk man sammen ut på Slottsplassen, hvor det var samlet masse mennesker, og Juletreets mangfoldige lys ble påtent. Og jeg kan forsikre Dem om at det var et vakkert syn.
Vedlagt sender jeg Dem en del avisutklipp vedr. overrekkelsen, slik at de kan få et lite inntrykk av hvordan det hele foregikk.
Jeg sender Dem mine beste ønsker for en riktig God Jul og et Godt Nyttår.
G. Warnderink Vinke
Tags: Trondheim Byarkiv Trondheim kommune Trondheim Trondhjem Sør-Trøndelag Trøndelag Norge Norway Norwegen Noorwegen Noruega Arkiv Archive Archives Byarkiv Holland Nederland Amsterdam Juletre Christmas Tree Kerstboom De Dam Dam Jul Christmas Sagør Warnderink Vinke Konsul Brev Dokument Dam Square 1968 60s Document Odd Sagør Finansrådmann Borgmester Mayor Maire Burgemeester Bürgermeister Prefeito Ordfører
January 13th, 1969.
Mr. G. A. v.d. Meer,
c/o School voore Banket bakkers,
Wibautstreaat 220,
Amsterdam 6,
One of Trondheim's public-schools, nemed Bispehaugen skole, has a musicband, which is one of the biggest and the most popular band in town.
In the summer 1964 did the band undertake a journey to some european countries. The band visited a.o. Paris, and the homeway went through Amsterdam.
Here did the band meet an exceptional hospitality and good-will. When the music-band returned to Trondheim and told about its adventures did the newspapers give the incidences great publisity.
The conductor of the band, Rolf Stokke, adressed himself to me to express the wish that our city in one or other way might display its gratitude on account of the attention and good-will given to our musician ambassadors.
In this manner started the idea to send a Christmas-tree from the city's own forest. The first tree were already sent the coming Christmas (1964), and later on has the Christmas-tree-sending to Amsterdam been a yearly appearance.
The thought behind the yearly Christmas-tree-sending stretches however wider than just as a thank for the hospitality and an usual Christmaswish. We should willingly like that the tree too might stand as a symbol for the wishes that friendshipties established among people, cities and lands, must be strong and lasting.
In its deepest meaning shall the Christmas-gift take part in the Christmastidings three words: Peace on earth.
For each of us should these words be a heartfelt wish, but it is at the same time a necessariness if we can be able to build up a better world with greater understanding and a richer existence among the people all over the world.
Yours faithfully
Odd Sagør,
Mayor of Trondheim.
Arkivstykket er hentet fra:
Ordføreren: Vennskapsbyer (Amsterdam), 7.
Tags: Trondheim Byarkiv Trondheim kommune Trondheim Trondhjem Sør-Trøndelag Trøndelag Norge Norway Norwegen Noorwegen Noruega Arkiv Archive Archives Byarkiv Holland Nederland Amsterdam Juletre Christmas Tree Kerstboom De Dam Dam Jul Christmas School voor Banketbakkers Sagør Brev Dokument Rettskriving Arbeiderpartiet Engelsk Norwenglish Wibautstraat 220 Dam Square 1969 60s Document Rolf Stokke Odd Sagør Finansrådmann Borgmester Mayor Maire Burgemeester Bürgermeister Prefeito Ordfører
No. 400/212 Kab.BM.
Amsterdam, December 10, 1975.
My dear Colleague,
I am pleased to acknowledge you the safe arrival of the traditional Trondheim Christmas tree, which in the meantime has been placed - as always - in the centre of our city at the Dam square. There, the Christmas tree offers a magnificent sight to all the citizens and tourists who are passing by. As usual the Salvation Army has placed its big offertory-pots for the annual celebration of Christmas beside this tree.
Once more I want to thank you very much for your kind gesture, which is highly appreciated by us all.
With best personal regards for you and the citizenry of Trondheim, I remain with wishing you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year,
Yours sincerely,
Dr. I. Samkalden.
Mr. Kaare Tønne,
Mayor of Trondheim,
Trondheim kommune,
Arkivstykket er hentet fra:
Ordføreren: Vennskapsbyer (Amsterdam), 7.
Tags: Trondheim Byarkiv Trondheim kommune Trondheim Trondhjem Sør-Trøndelag Trøndelag Norge Norway Norwegen Noorwegen Noruega Arkiv Archive Archives Byarkiv Holland Nederland Amsterdam Juletre Christmas Tree Kerstboom De Dam Dam Jul Christmas Ivo Samkalden Samkalden Kåre Tønne Tønne Brev Dokument Dam Square 1975 70s Document Borgmester Mayor Maire Burgemeester Bürgermeister Prefeito Ordfører
No. 400/122 Kab.BM.
Amsterdam, December 7, 1976.
My dear Colleague,
It is for the fourteenth time this year that we had the pleasure to receive the traditional Trondheim Christmas tree, which arrived safely here last week and was placed yesterday - as usual - at the Dam square.
In these dark days before Christmas your Christmastree offers a luminous centre for all people who are passing by.
As in former years - the Salvation Army will place its big offertory-pots for the annual celebration of Christmas beside this tree.
On behalf of the Salvation Army and the citizens of Amsterdam I want to thank you very much; you may be assured that this annual gift is appreciated tremendously by all of us.
With my best personal regards for you and the citizenry of Trondheim, I remain with wishing you all a merry Christmas and a happy New Year,
Yours sincerely,
Dr. I. Samkalden.
Mr. Axel Buch,
Mayor of Trondheim,
Town Hall,
Trondheim Formannskap,
Arkivstykket er hentet fra:
Ordføreren: Vennskapsbyer (Amsterdam), 7.
Tags: Trondheim Byarkiv Trondheim kommune Trondheim Trondhjem Sør-Trøndelag Trøndelag Norge Norway Norwegen Noorwegen Noruega Arkiv Archive Archives Byarkiv Brev Dokument Amsterdam Juletre Christmastree Kerstboom Holland Nederland Ivo Samkalden Samkalden Dam Square De Dam Dam Document
Mayor of Amsterdam
Town Hall
, 28.1.1977
Dear Mr. Mayor,
It is not with pleasure I am going to write this letter to you. But I think you aught to know as early in the year as now that my council just has decided to stop the annual gesture of sending a Christmas tree to Amsterdam.
Please, be assured that my council regrets this very much. The decision was made after presentation of the ridiculous vast bill for transportation by train from here to Amsterdam last year. We are convinced that [you] yourself will manage to get a Christmas tree at a far more reasonable cost.
We have been happy these dozen of years to have been able to show a visible sign of friendship. Nevertheless, we do hope that the bond of friendship will remain unbroken.
With all the best wishes for you, your Council and your citizens,
I am,
Yours sincerely
Axel Buch
Mayor of Trondheim
Copy to Royal Norwegian Consulate, Amsterdam
Tags: Trondheim Byarkiv Trondheim kommune Trondheim Trondhjem Sør-Trøndelag Trøndelag Norge Norway Norwegen Noorwegen Noruega Arkiv Archive Archives Byarkiv Dokument Brev Amsterdam Juletre Christmastree Kerstboom Holland Nederland Dam Square De Dam Dam Document