A stack of red mason bees. A newly emerged red mason bee female with two jostling males
Tags: macro bug insect bee masonbee osmia mating
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Still having fun with the combo ASI1600MM/Samyang 135mm. So good !
Camera is the ASI1600MM-Cool, lens is the Samyang 135mm f/2.0 @ 2.0 ( I dub it the Dam!yang 135 ) and the mount is still the Star Adventurer.
120 x 30 sec Ha and 60 x 30 sec for the R,G and B channels. No luminance though. 50 Darks.
Tags: Astronomy ZWO ASI1600MM-Cool ASI1600M-Cool Star Adventurer Skywatcher Samyang 135 f/2.0 M16 M17 Eagle Nebula Omega Nebula HaRGB
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ASI1600MM-C, Samyang 135 f/2.0 @ f/2.0, Star Adventurer mount.
68 x 30 sec Ha, 30 x 30 sec for the Lum, R, G and B channels. 50 darks.
Tags: Astronomy ZWO ASI1600MM-Cool ASI1600M-Cool Skywatcher Star Adventurer Samyang 135 f/2.0 Astrodon
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Such a beautiful nebula !
ASI1600MM-C, Samyang 135 f/2.0 @ f/2.0 and the Star Adventurer.
120 x 30 sec Ha, 30 x 30 LRGB. 50 Darks.
Tags: Astronomy ZWO ASI1600MM-Cool ASI1600M-Cool Samyang 135 f/2.0 Skywatcher Star Adventurer H alpha HaRGB NGC 6188 Astrodon
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Here is a widefield image that spans approximately 2.8"X 2.2 and covers a very colorful and interesting region that contains Barnard 175, a snake like dark nebula with a luminous "face" that is a reflection nebula (vdb 152)
Also we can see a planetary nebula DeHt5 in the image.
The whole image is covered in wispy Hydrogen alpha gas that is said to be the remnant of a supernova explosion.
Mount: AP900 on Rob Miller Tri36M tripod
Tak FSQ 106ED
Moravian G3 16200 camera
LRGB from Lmuma campground in Yakima Canyon near Ellensburg WA, a moderately dark location.
4 hours of L and 1 hour each of RGB
8 hours of Ha from backyard but doesnt even seem like it is enough. :(
Tags: dark nebula reflection vdb152 Barnard175 planetary Astrometrydotnet:id=nova1858702 Astrometrydotnet:status=solved