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User / TVGuy / 2009 RMNP 007
Greg Thow / 8,015 items
Rocky Mountain National Park... at the end of Fall River Road...

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Sarek: I never knew what Spock was doing. When he was a boy he would disappear for days into the mountains. I would ask him where he'd gone, what he'd done; he refused to tell me. I insisted that he tell me; he would not. I forbade him to go; he ignored me. I punished him; he endured it, silently. But always he returned to the mountains; one might as well ask a river not to run. But secretly I admired him, that proud core of him that would not yield...
--"Star Trek: The Next Generation" (Syndicated)
  • Views: 257
  • Comments: 16
  • Favorites: 6
  • Taken: Aug 1, 2009
  • Uploaded: Aug 2, 2009
  • Updated: Oct 25, 2009