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User / TVGuy / 2011 Missouri 004
Greg Thow / 8,015 items
Cathedral Basilica interior, St. Louis...

Amy Farrah Fowler: Excuse me. I'm Amy Farrah Fowler, you're Sheldon Cooper.
Sheldon Cooper: Hello Amy Farrah Fowler. I'm sorry to inform you that you have been taken in by unsupportable mathematics designed to prey on the gullible and the lonely. Additionally, I'm being blackmailed with a hidden dirty sock.
Amy Farrah Fowler: If that was slang, I'm unfamiliar with it. If it was literal, I share your aversion to soiled hosiery. In any case, I'm here because my mother and I have agreed that I will date at least once a year.
Sheldon Cooper: Interesting. My mother and I have the same agreement about church.
Amy Farrah Fowler: I don't object to the concept of a deity, but I'm baffled by the notion of one that takes attendance...
--"The Big Bang Theory" (CBS)
  • Views: 1230
  • Comments: 11
  • Favorites: 9
  • Taken: Aug 13, 2011
  • Uploaded: Aug 15, 2011
  • Updated: Jan 27, 2013