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User / TVGuy / Sets / 2009 One Lincoln Park
Greg Thow / 10 items

N 6 B 865 C 30 E Apr 19, 2009 F May 27, 2009
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Explored May 27, 2009 #412

A shot from the highrise condo during "Doors Open Denver" weekend a few weeks back... let's be honest, living here wouldn't suck...

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Meredith: At the end of the day, there are some things you just can't help but talk about. Some things we just don't want to hear, and some things we say because we can't be silent any longer. Some things are more than what you say, they're what you do. Some things you say cause there's no other choice. Some things you keep to yourself. And not too often, but every now and then, some things simply speak for themselves....
--"Grey's Anatomy" (ABC)

Tags:   denver skyline canon xs doors open denver view one lincoln park

N 2 B 217 C 12 E Apr 19, 2009 F May 4, 2009
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A shot taken during "Doors Open Denver" weekend... killer views from this condo....

The Rocky Mountains are in the distance...

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Mandy: Who was the last president to commute a sentence?
Josh: Lincoln.
Mandy: Abraham?
Josh: No, Bert Lincoln.
--"The West Wing" (NBC)

Tags:   doors open denver xs one lincoln park denver downtown canon

N 4 B 812 C 11 E Apr 19, 2009 F Apr 22, 2009
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The building on the right was open during the "Doors Open Denver" weekend.. went up to the 24th floor... the views were, of course, amazing...

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Michael: People I respect, heroes of mine would be Bob Hope. Abraham Lincoln, definitely. Bono. Uh, and probably God would be the fourth one. I just think all those people really helped the world in so many ways. That it's, uh, really beyond words. It's really incalculacable.
--"The Office" (NBC)

Tags:   one lincoln park denver condo building sky canon xs open door denver DenverCO

N 2 B 801 C 20 E Apr 19, 2009 F Apr 23, 2009
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Explore April 23, 2009 #471

The view from One Lincoln Park, around the 24th floor looking south over downtown Denver... the Rocky Mountains can be seen in the distance... and a tennis court can be seen on top of the parking garage in the middle left...

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Michael: Abraham Lincoln once said that "If you're a racist, I will attack you with the North" and these are the principles I carry with me in the workplace....
--"The Office" (NBC)

Tags:   one lincoln park doors open denver denver skyline buildings skyscraper view canon xs sky DenverCO

N 6 B 408 C 7 E Apr 19, 2009 F Jun 11, 2009
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A pretty awesome view from a highrise condo in Denver...

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(ordering at Chili’s...)
Michael: May we have an awesome blossom please? Extra awesome?
--"The Office" (NBC)

Tags:   view one lincoln park denver colorado skyline city church sky clouds DenverCO
