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User / TVGuy / Sets / 2010 Warehouse
Greg Thow / 24 items

N 8 B 3.4K C 28 E May 17, 2010 F Mar 24, 2012
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The old warehouse I was shooting in on Monday was filled with kitties running around.. this fellow's name was "Midnight"....

Barney: You know what I love about Halloween? It's the one night of the year chicks use to unleash their inner ho-bag. If a girl dresses up as a witch, she's a slutty witch. If she's a cat, she's a slutty cat. If she's a nurse...
Lily: Wow, we get it.
Barney: ...she's a slutty nurse...
--"How I Met Your Mother" (CBS)

Tags:   black cat warehouse denver colorado animal yellow eyes kitten

N 1 B 1.0K C 12 E May 17, 2010 F May 18, 2010
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Warehouse in Downtown Denver... drove by it the other day on a whim and the old guy who "lives there" was there for 15 minutes and said I could shoot... so I grabbed my tripod and snapped as many as I could in a quarter hour.. I'd been there before, a year ago... hence the revision... the "original" shot is below.. which do you like better?

Detail much better Large On Black

Michael: I think this is gonna work out great because managing the warehouse is a very important part of my job, and I haven't been there in months...
--"The Office" (NBC)

Tags:   Warehouse interior lens flare wood ceiling old urban crusty denver colorado beams

N 3 B 2.0K C 15 E May 17, 2010 F May 24, 2010
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Old warehouse by Coors Field in Denver..... this photo really makes me wish we could change the background color and size of the photos displayed on Flickr.. small over white it really is unimpressive.. but blown up I like it quite a bit... anyway, there were old bicycles, Skee-Ball machines, Fortune Telling Machines.. no way for me to accurately inventory the place... :)

Rob Coddry: See, if a pharmaceutical company advertises a prescription drug but doesn't say what it does, the FDA doesn't make them list the side effects. That's why the TV spots for the drugs I just mentioned don't give the foggiest indication for what those pills do other than that they seem to help old people ride tandem bicycles...
--"The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" (Comedy Central)

Tags:   warehouse beams roof wood old urban denver colorado SuperShot

N 2 B 437 C 7 E May 17, 2010 F May 31, 2010
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One of seemingly 10,431 cats roaming around the old warehouse I shot at a few weeks ago...

View Large On Black

Penny: Okay, just to be clear, the one piece of jewelry my boyfriend gives me is a movie prop and I don't even get to keep it?
Howard: If you had gone out with me three years ago, you could have had my great-aunt Ida's brooch that she smuggled out of occupied Belgium in a cat....
--"The Big Bang Theory" (CBS)

Tags:   warehouse cat denver old urban animal grey colorado

N 3 B 724 C 11 E May 17, 2010 F Jun 16, 2010
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Old Warehouse in downtown Denver...

View On Black

Col. Dr. Irina Spalko: This warehouse is where you and your government have hidden all of your secrets, yes?
Indiana Jones: This is a military warehouse. I've never been here before in my life...
--"Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" (2008)

Tags:   warehouse old colorado denver wood steel beam
