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User / TVGuy / Sets / 2010 Balloon
Greg Thow / 524 items

N 7 B 4.1K C 22 E Jun 27, 2010 F Jul 8, 2010
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Every so often I retake a shot that I really liked from "early" in my "career" as a photographer... you are of course welcome to tell me which you like better... this is with a far superior camera and lens, but I like them both very much.. in fact, the original has made my "favorite 50 of all time list".. but that's also because it was taken during my first balloon flight a few days before my birthday... a Christmas/Birthday gift from TVGal...

Finn: Look, I owe you guys an apology. I never should have quit. I don't want to be the guy that just drives around throwing eggs at people!
Rachel: That was you?
Kurt: You and your friends threw pee balloons at me.
Finn: I know.
Kurt: You nailed all my lawn furniture to my roof.
Finn: I wasn't actually there for that, but I'm really sorry....
--"Glee" (FOX)

Tags:   hot air balloon colorado circles transportation interior Abstract

N 5 B 3.5K C 23 E Jun 27, 2010 F Jul 8, 2010
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Sunrise launch this morning of multiple balloons in Boulder, Colorado... my friend is steering the one in the foreground...

Tracy: You're blowing up like a balloon with a grenade in it...
--"30 Rock" (NBC)

Tags:   hot air balloon launch colors mulitple boulder colorado tvguy flight transportation

N 49 B 60.2K C 35 E Jun 27, 2010 F Jul 8, 2010
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Hot Air Balloon Interior...

Richard Castle: This morning, with the body, I took a couple of pictures.
NYPD Detective Kate Beckett: [outraged] You took photos of my crime scene?
Castle: Before you get mad, I e-mailed a couple of them to a friend of mine.
Beckett: You e-mailed them to a friend.
Castle: Well, not exactly a friend. She's my interior decorator, but then we slept together, so I don't really know what she is now.
Beckett: What the hell were you thinking?
Castle: I know, right? You work together, you think it'll be fun, but then it always makes things weird. It's a real cautionary tale...
--"Castle" (ABC)

Tags:   balloon hot air pattern circle fabric colorado lines interior

N 3 B 3.2K C 9 E Jun 27, 2010 F Jul 8, 2010
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Hot Air Balloon inflation and launch, Boulder Colorado....

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Sheldon: I'm polymerized tree sap and you're an inorganic adhesive, so whatever verbal projectile you launch in my direction is reflected off of me, returns to its original trajectory and adheres to you...
--"The Big Bang Theory" (CBS)

Tags:   balloon hot air launch boulder colorado transportation tvguy

N 4 B 1.8K C 7 E Jun 27, 2010 F Jul 8, 2010
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My friend's Hot Air Balloon launching over Boulder...

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Doctor: Every great decision creates ripples, like a huge boulder dropped in a lake. The ripples merge, rebound off the banks in unforseeable ways. The heavier the decision, the larger the waves, the more uncertain the consequences...
--"Doctor Who" (BBC)

Tags:   balloon hot air flame fire sky blue colorado tvguy transportation
