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User / TVGuy / Sets / 2010 Fireworks
Greg Thow / 23 items

N 4 B 642 C 13 E Jul 3, 2010 F Mar 18, 2011
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Elitch Gardens Fireworks last summer...

Bill Maher: New Rule - Bluetooth headset users have to do something that lets me know you're just on the phone and not a dangerous schizophrenic. Right? We don't know if you're talking to your secretary or the evil leprechaun who lives in your head. You're not the chief communications officer of the Starship Enterprise. You're a shoe salesman asking your mom if you can bring over your laundry....
--"Real Time with Bill Maher" (HBO)

Tags:   fireworks july 4th denver independence day holiday celebration colorado

N 0 B 55 C 0 E Jul 3, 2010 F Mar 1, 2012
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Tags:   july 4th elitch gardens night denver colorado firework

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Fireworks seen from the Elitch Gardens Observation Tower.. being that high up felt like cheating just a bit...

Toby Zeigler: You know the thing about you, Mr. President? It isn't so much that you cheat. It's how brazenly bad you are at it.
President Bartlet: I beg your pardon?
Josh Lyman: Toby's got a point there, sir.
President Bartlet: When have I ever cheated?
Toby: Up in Florida, playing mixed doubles with me and C.J. You tried to tell us that your partner worked at the American Consulate in Vienna.
President Bartlet: And she did!
Toby: It was Steffi Graf, sir.
President Bartlet: Well, I will admit that the woman bore a striking resemblance...
--"The West Wing" (NBC)

Tags:   elitch gardens denver colorado july 4th independence day holiday downtown urban night

N 1 B 868 C 4 E Jul 3, 2010 F Jun 26, 2011
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Elitch Gardens 4th of July fireworks, Denver...

Marshall Eriksen: You haven't had sex since Thanksgiving. Do you know how many federal holidays have passed since then?
Lily Aldrin: Remember what we did on Martin Luther King Day?
Marshall Eriksen: Oh, yeah. We honored the hell out of that dude...
--"How I Met Your Mother" (CBS)

Tags:   elitch gardens fireworks denver urban dusk holiday colorado

N 31 B 3.2K C 48 E Jul 3, 2010 F Jul 9, 2010
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Fireworks over Elitch Gardens, Colorado... the reflection is in the Water Park's wave pool....

View Large On Black

Sam: This country is an idea, and one that's lit the world for two centuries, and treason against that idea is not just a crime against the living. This ground holds the graves of people who died for it, who gave what Lincoln called the 'last full measure of devotion, of fidelity.'...
--"The West Wing" (NBC)

Tags:   firework fireworks denver colorado reflection water independence day 4th dusk sky holiday elitch gardens observation tower DenverCO
