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User / TVGuy / Sets / 2010 Botanic Gardens
Greg Thow / 53 items

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Flower at Denver Botanic Gardens... which should be obvious given that they are so botanical and gardeny, no?

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Forrest: She got the cancer and died on a Tuesday. I bought her a new hat with little flowers on it. And that's all I have to say about that...
--"Forrest Gump" (1994)

Tags:   flower yellow denver botanic gardens plant closeup colorado petals DenverCO

N 1 B 461 C 5 E Jul 10, 2010 F Jul 11, 2010
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Don't be stunned.. an intruder hasn't taken over my photostream... yes, it's a picture of a flower...

I will be buying a fixed 50mm lens sometime this summer, but I thought I'd try my hand for the first time at some Bokeh even with a zoom lens and really no practice or knowledge... I'm happy with about 25 or so out of my seemingly endless attempts and will be posting them this month on a daily basis... I look forward to roaming through the Photostreams of many of my contacts who are so good at flowers and bokeh shots that my attempts will seem as if they were shot by Stephen Hawking... and learning perhaps some of their "secrets" :)

But someone once told me their photos were like their children, and they didn't want to get rid of their early shots so they could see how far they've come (lord knows my early HDR shots make me bleed from my eyes) and I agree with that statement wholeheartedly...

So here you go Flickr, Flowers by TVGuy... warts and all...

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Abby: [holding a vase of black roses] They're for you.
DiNozzo: They're really black. Really, really black.
Abby: It's pretty cool, huh?
Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo: Yeah. [reads the card] Get well soon?
Abby: They didn't have a card that said "Sorry I almost sent you to prison" at the flower shop...
--"NCIS" (CBS)

Tags:   flower denver botanic gardens plant bokeh colorado DenverCO

N 1 B 102 C 7 E Jul 10, 2010 F Jul 13, 2010
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Flowers in Denver Botanic Gardens...

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Tags:   flower flowers botanic gardens denver colorado DenverCO

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Flowers at Denver Botanic Gardens, Colorado...

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Spike: They have chicken wings, too. Also, a sort of a flower-shaped thing made from an onion. It's brilliant.....
--"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" (WB)

Tags:   denver botanic gardens flower plant pink white colorado DenverCO

N 8 B 1.1K C 13 E Jul 10, 2010 F Jul 16, 2010
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Yes, to the uninitiated it's just a bench... but 3 Januarys ago I asked TVGal to marry me on this bench as we were the only people in the Gardens for the Blossoms of Light that night thanks to a very kind Security Guard who let us in and lit the whole place up for us.. my plan was to do it the last day of the Lights but snow that morning closed the Gardens.. after hearing my story on the phone he agreed to be the "ticket taker" that night... TVGal's nieces came by in two minute intervals.. the first spreading rose petals in the snow, the second bringing a basket of cocoa and champagne, the third a basket with the ring... a very nice night...

So, not really "just a bench".. thanks for indulging me...

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Dr. Meredith Grey: There comes a point in your life when you're officially an adult. Suddenly you're old enough to vote, to drink and engage in other adult activities. Suddenly people expect you to be responsible, serious, a grown up. We get taller, We get older. But do we ever really grow up?... In some ways we grow up. We have families. We get married. Divorced. But for the most part, we still have the same problems that we had when we were 15. No matter how much we grow taller, grow older, we are still forever stumbling. Forever wondering. Forever young....
--"Grey's Anatomy" (ABC)

Tags:   denver botanic gardens bench colorado
