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User / TVGuy / Sets / 2011 Butterflies
Greg Thow / 73 items

N 3 B 453 C 9 E Feb 15, 2011 F Feb 23, 2011
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Butterfly on a plant... I really could elaborate but that would just be annoying, no?

BBC Voiceover: We interrupt this program to annoy you and make things generally irritating.
--"Monty Python's Flying Circus" (BBC)

Tags:   butterfly pavillion insect nature westminster wings color bokeh denver colorado

N 1 B 591 C 11 E Feb 15, 2011 F Feb 21, 2011
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these butterflies were supposed to be dormant at our early hour photo shoot.. but they were determined to pick a fight with me for the better part of the hour divebombing at my head continuously.. I wanted to shoot them.. but since I just had a camera had to settle for just "shooting" them...

If Ricky Schroder and Gary Coleman had a fight on television with pool cues, who would win?
1) Ricky Schroder
2) Gary Coleman
3) The television viewing public
--"Late Show with David Letterman" (CBS)

Tags:   butterfly nature insect denver pavilion bokeh

N 10 B 1.2K C 27 E Feb 15, 2011 F Feb 16, 2011
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Much better when using "L" on your keyboard...

Butterflies are kinda like Clark Kent... er, wait.. caterpillars are more like Superman... no, that's not right.. look, they have secret identities, and when danger approaches they take off their glasses and put on a cape.. well.. uh...

The hell with that analogy...

It's a butterfly.

Hiro: My only concern is should I hide my true identity? A costume maybe?
Ando: You start talking about capes and tights and I'm out of here.
--"Heroes" (NBC)

Tags:   butterfly insect plant nature denver colorado pavillion

N 4 B 479 C 12 E Feb 15, 2011 F Feb 20, 2011
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This butterfly didn't budge for an hour... unlike many of his friends who made menacing divebombing runs at my head repeatedly...

Conan: You shot the Easter Bunny!
Will Ferrell: He made a menacing gesture at me!
Conan: I think he was trying to give you an egg!
Will Ferrell: Why is the Easter Bunny even here, Conan? It's not Easter!
Conan O'Brien: I don't know, he just likes to hang around the studio sometimes...
--"Late Night with Conan O'Brien" (NBC)

Tags:   butterfly pavilion denver colorado westminster nature flower pink yellow insect

N 7 B 676 C 14 E Feb 15, 2011 F Mar 2, 2011
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Backlit butterfly bathing in sunlight...I think he was on the window, but it sure looks like he's sitting down and resting, no?

Dean: Tell me something, you keep saying we're gonna trap this guy, but isn't that kinda like trapping a hurricane with a butterfly net?
--"Supernatural" (CW)

Tags:   butterfly window sill sun insect pavilion nature
