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User / TVGuy / Sets / 2011 Opera House
Greg Thow / 5 items

N 4 B 516 C 14 E Apr 17, 2011 F Apr 25, 2011
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Opera House Ceiling, Denver...

Sheldon: I've been giving the matter some thought, and I think I'd be willing to be a house pet to a race of superintelligent aliens.
Leonard: Interesting.
Sheldon: Ask me why?
Leonard: Do I have to?
Sheldon: Of course, that's how you move a conversation forward.
Leonardr: Why?
Sheldon: The learning opportunities would be abundant, additionally, I like having my belly scratched...
--"The Big Bang Theory" (CBS)

Tags:   ellie caulkins opera house ceiling lights denver

N 6 B 509 C 23 E Apr 17, 2011 F Apr 19, 2011
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Ellie Caulkins Opera House Ceiling with the obviously visible "guts" of the place showing through from the top row of the upper deck.. loved shooting this wonderful place...

Phoebe: Soap Opera Digest. That's one of my favorite digests....
--"Friends" (NBC)

Tags:   ellie caulkins opera house denver colorado buell theater

N 1 B 756 C 12 E Apr 17, 2011 F May 10, 2011
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Opera House Ceiling and lights in downtown Denver...

Carla: You can deny you like her all you want. But, I know for a fact, that every time you guys are done playing racquetball or having a conversation or whatever it is you crazy kids are calling it, you like nothing more than to just lie next to Jordan and watch her sleep.
Dr. Cox: It would be impossible for me to lie next to Jordan. She sleeps hanging from a ramp in the ceiling, wrapped in a cocoon of her own wings...
--"Scrubs" (NBC)

Tags:   ellie caulkins opera house denver colorado ceiling lights

N 3 B 525 C 10 E Apr 17, 2011 F Mar 25, 2012
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Opera House in downtown Denver...

Interviewer: One last question. Other than "Days of Our Lives" what other soap operas do you watch?
Joey: Oh I don't watch soap operas. I mean excuse me, I have a life you know.
Interviewer: Thank you. I'm sure the readers of Soap Opera Digest will be very interested to hear that...
--"Friends" (NBC)

Tags:   opera house denver performing caulkins colorado

N 3 B 926 C 2 E Apr 17, 2011 F Dec 22, 2011
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Downtown Denver...

George: This shift is a marathon, not a sprint. Eat.
Izzie: I can't.
George: You should eat something.
Izzie: You try eating after performing 17 rectal exams.
--"Grey's Anatomy" (ABC)

Tags:   opera house denver colorado
