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User / twoblackcats.com / Sets
10 items

cats, animals and birds
89 photos

art, or is it
342 photos
In a gallery or on show somewhere and here. But is it art?

landscapes, people and places
691 photos
somewhere there's a place

northumberland and around
245 photos
local shots - somewhat eclectic

i'll be your mirror
91 photos
and reflect who you are

post kujaja
467 photos
Images not previously shown on Kujaja.com

173 photos
any two people or things; pair; couple.

flowers and plants
167 photos
the beauty of nature

the kujaja years
760 photos
These images with music, have previously been posted on Kujaja.com or world-street.photography.com kujaja.com was group of photographers who joined creative forces to realise photography projects for...

62 photos
This became a bit of a project in 2016, when Trump reared his ugly head. I was struck by how, over time all endeavor seems to end up in a rusty old bucket. All pictures are re-workings of images...