I think for the remainder of this week into the first week of January, since the weather is especially crappy in the region, I am going to work through some of my .raw files from my 2024 trips & see what I find.
I will start with a photo from a trip that sparked an absolute obsession in Washington Geology & the history of the Columbia river + the Missoula & Columbia Lake floods.
Ancient Lakes, or Potholes Coulee, is a series of well potholes really, where a series of ancient Ice Age floods pock marked the Quincy Basin in Central Washington. This shot was taken back in June very early in the morning on my way back from the lakes (even though it looks midday its like 6:30 am here) before the sun could bake me away.
This will 100% be a trail I plan to return to in a couple of years to see what else I can get.
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