A close-up of a desk and books inside a classroom at Oumoul Mouminina School in Forobaranga, West Darfur, Sudan. The school received a visit from Ibrahim Gambari, Joint Special Representative for the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID).
Photo ID 462320. 24/01/2011. Forobaranga, Sudan. UN Photo/Albert Gonzalez Farran. www.unmultimedia.org/photo/
Tags: Forobaranga Darfur Sudan desk school education class books Africa UNAMID United Nations UN Photo travel
Physiotherapist Fatima Mohamed massages six-month-old Naba Mohamed, who suffers serious mobility problems in her legs and feet, at the Sudanese Association for Disabled People in El Fasher, North Darfur.
Photo ID 496910. 02/11/2011. El Fasher, Sudan. UN Photo/Albert Gonzalez Farran. www.unmultimedia.org/photo/
Tags: El Fasher North Darfur Sudan child disability mobility legs feet disabled baby health physiotherapy photojournalism portrait massage Africa
In Kuajok the Kenyan Battalion of the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), as part of its CIMIC (Civil-Military Cooperation) activities in Warrap State, is actively involved with the Warrap State Hospital. A medical officer from the Battalion visits the hospital two to three times weekly, making the rounds with the doctors onsite. She focuses primarily on the maternity ward, and if time permits, also spends time in the general ward and outpatient ward.
The hospital started as a dispensary in 1954, became a hospital in 2009, and finally became Warrap State Hospital in 2012, one year after Independence. In addition to the general, maternity, and outpatient wards, the hospital has an operating theatre and a dispensary.
Pictured, the hospital's dispensary.
01 July 2015
Kuajok, South Sudan
Photo # 637350
Credit UN Photo/JC McIlwaine
Tags: Kuajok Warrap State South Sudan
A coordinated search for weapons and restricted items was conducted at the Protection of Civilians (POC) site of the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), located in the Tomping area of Juba. Yields of the search -- which was conducted by military and police components of UNMISS, as well as Community Watch Group members -- included four machetes, two knives, one hammer, two police batons, one pick-axe and sixty iron bars. Approximately 2,500 people remain in the Tomping site, as most residents have been relocated to the POC 3 site at UN House in recent months. Food distribution will be suspended at the end of December and the site is slated to be closed at some point following that.
Credit: UN Photo/JC McIlwaine
Photo Date: 03/12/2014
City: Juba
Country: South Sudan
Photo ID: 614687
Tags: Juba Central Equatoria South Sudan UNMISS security PEACEKEEPING Tomping Protection of Civilians POC
A patrol of peacekeepers from the United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) passes through streets lined with looted items awaiting collection in Abyei, the main town of the disputed Abyei area on the border of Sudan and newly independent South Sudan. In a statement yesterday, the United Nations strongly condemned the burning and looting currently being perpetrated by armed elements in the area, following the seizure of Abyei town by Sudanese Government troops on 20 May.
Photo ID 473734. 24/05/2011. Abyei, Sudan. UN Photo/Stuart Price. www.unmultimedia.org/photo/
Tags: Abyei Sudan South Sudan border conflict travel photojournalism United Nations UN Photo UNMIS canon