Use the ALBUMS menu to navigate the collection which in 2014 increased by 542 with the addition of the 11 sketchbooks pictured above plus scraps of paper in meetings drawn with a biro. Continuing to post everything regardless of merit and never taking longer than an hour means that most are a bit rubbish -a few by chance are maybe worth a click.
All of the years work was drawn with a B lead in a Faber-Castell clutch pencil. Portraits sometimes employ Winsor & Newton field brushes (metal sheathed and no longer available) and/or a Pro-Arte Prolene Plus field round brush. The constants in the equation are the Winsor & Newton A6 170gsm/80lb sketch books, Winsor & Newton artist quality watercolours and the Sakura Koi water brush -the most compact available with a medium brush. Some refresh of about half a dozen of the half pans (a few more of which have been squeezed in to make 39) the sketchbooks and a few leads and pens but the Americanos are the biggest overhead!
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