Color composite of Titan, from Rev171 highlighting its methane content. The reddish part of this image corresponds to more haze (the north polar hood). The detached haze layer seen in this recent image by Cassini. This observation of a gibbous-phase Titan was part of the "Titan Monitoring Campaign" (TMC).
These images were taken on September 04, 2012 and received on Earth September 07, 2012. The camera was pointing toward TITAN at approximately 1,275,131 miles (2,052,124 kilometers) away, and the images were taken using the CL1, CL2, BL1, MT1 and CB3 filters.
I used Mike Malaska's "Methanovision" composites of Titan as a guide. Check out Mike Malaska's photostream here:
Credit: NASA / JPL / SSI / composite by Val Klavans