Finally I can present you with my first MOC of 2017: Tone.
Reference picture
Since he is the most popular Titan of Titanfall 2, I really wanted to capture his looks as accurately as possible.
One of the most difficult areas to do so was his eye. After trying dozens of different combinations of light trans-blue bricks I decided the best option is to paint it. So I made a cut out of the right shape and spray painted the rest black.
I almost finished Tone last month, but I had to wait for some of the new bricks to arrive. And the new
plates and
tiles of the 2017 sets were definitely worth the wait!
Tone isn't the first of my Titans, who is able to stand by himself without being connected to the base plate. But I thought he is best fitted to be photographed without the base plate. I also tried out a new background.
Because my build of BT had both rocket pods extended, I wanted to do it differently with Tone. Therefore both of his are retracted behind his back.
With 6/7 Titans finished I am almost done with Titanfall 2. Though It will take some time until I can present you Scorch.
I currently have two LEGO projects which are both significantly bigger than a Titan and I want to finish them first.