Just watched a DVR of All American Muslims and I am Royally ticked off at those "Christians" who were protesting at the festival that they have in Dearborn!
What gets me is as a Christian I understand that Christ is love and these radicals are going too far and do not have a clue about the message of Christ! I have gained some understanding of why Muslim women wear the hijab.
When you have Christian protesters at any event it does make those of us who understand the message of love look bad. What gets me is why would you protest in an area that is a majority of people of Middle Eastern descent! Also, why do people from out of state come here to cause problems!
Recently that guy from Florida came and a large number of Christian pastors entered to Mosque to stand against the message of hate. We here in this area are very diverse even though on the show I saw I wanted to go slap the hostess at a restaurant because they would not seat a couple because she had on her hijab!
As a sidebar, I wonder if the atheist would get mad if a show called All American Christian would be produced?
end rant:)
Have a Merry Christmas or Have a Happy Merry Christmas Holiday:)
Ps don't get me started on the Christmas Holiday (Holiday root means: "Holy day" and Christmas is Christ-Mass)
This season is actually Christ Mass Holy Day's or The Holy Days of Christ Mass:)
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