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User / henriksundholm.com / Sets / M/S Silja Symphony
Henrik Sundholm / 11 items

N 16 B 14.7K C 2 E Jan 16, 2014 F Jan 19, 2014
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I went on a cruise to Helsinki a couple of days ago, and of course I did some photography on the trip. I even went up at about 5 AM one morning to photograph the ship's interior while most people were sleeping.

I did a lot of experiments during my first year or two behind the camera. I played around a lot with panoramas, vertoramas, various programs and filters, even doing some Fractalius and oil painting stuff. Perhaps you do tend to settle in your ways, once you get the hang of what you want to do and how to accomplish it. Here's a playful shot of one of the cafés on the ship anyway.

Tags:   ship cruiseferry ferry silja symphony interior design deck 6 cafe orient cafe parquet floor sofas chairs tables furniture window stools pillows decoration cealing mirrors reflections m/s silja line hdr mosaic tesserae tiles

N 40 B 5.2K C 6 E Jan 16, 2014 F May 4, 2014
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I'm usually not one to get up early in the morning, unless I absolutely have to, but I went down here around 5 AM to photograph the cruiseferry's promenade. It's the only time during the day when it's void of people.

Tags:   silja symphony silja line interior decoration floor wooden parquet reflections shiny advertisement posters lamps lights casino windows cabins deck stand newspapers desk information hulabaloo door ship cruiseferry hdr promenade centerline promenade

N 24 B 4.4K C 6 E Jan 15, 2014 F Mar 24, 2014
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On deck aboard M/S Silja Symphony, a cruiseferry on route between Stockholm and Helsinki. I love the chaos of lines and the slight reflections in the windows.

Tags:   corridor floor deck m/s silja symphony silja line ship cruiseferry shadows reflections lines railings wires snow trash can hdr

N 22 B 4.2K C 10 E Jan 14, 2014 F Apr 7, 2014
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Reflections and shiny things are usually enhanced by HDR processing, which brings out the details in photos. Not only great for waterscapes, but also for interiors such as this one! Shot onboard cruiseferry M/S Silja Symphony.

Tags:   interior bar pub counter minttu advertisement carpet chairs tables floor furniture reflections casino gambling sign menu metal aluminum windows ship cruiseferry restaurant silja line silja symphony lamps steel hdr just bar

N 46 B 3.8K C 13 E Jan 14, 2014 F Apr 10, 2017
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Just Bar onboard cruiseferry M/S Silja Symphony, going between Stockholm and Helsinki. Compare it to the color one!

Tags:   just bar interior decoration furniture chairs tables pub counter reflections ceiling carpet floor bw black and white monochrome slots slot machines casino advertisement ship cruiseferry ferry m/s silja symphony hdr
