This is another view of Shiprock I took on the same night of my other Shiprock picture. With Planit for photographers app, we knew exactly what we could get at a given location. When we were scouting the area earlier, we marked this point on PlanIt because we wanted to have the mono rock displayed by itself under milky way arch. Soon after 12 am when milky way just rise up, we got out of our car and moved to this point quickly. With a few tries, I started to shoot pano. I wasn't sure whether I could get the foreground clearly as we didn't shoot the foreground separately earlier in the evening as I did for the other Shiprock picture. However, when I processed it, I found it wasn't too bad. This was because there are many residents living around and the rock was lighted up by those residential lights far way. The lights behind the rock are from Shiprock town.
Thanks for taking the time to take a look of my pictures. Your views, comments, faves, and support are greatly appreciated!!
Here is my other Shiprock picture if you like to see it: