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User / Wei-Hao Wang / Sets / The Sky
Wei-Hao Wang / 71 items

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Tamron 15-30mm/F2.8 @ 15mm/F4
Nikon D810A
2-frame mosaic
total exposure time 72 minutes

This is a reprocess of this image: www.flickr.com/photos/weihaowang/20482861230/in/album-721...

see more technical details in www.astrobin.com/203229/C/

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Fujifilm GFX-100S (astro modified)
Fujifilm GF 23mm/F4 @ F4

Sky is a stack of 18 untracked 10-second exposures at ISO 3200. Foreground contains more exposures of various length. The sky and the foreground are stacked separately, and then blended together.

The telescope in the picture is LATTE (Lulin-ASIAA Telescope for Transients and Education). It's a 50cm reflective telescope with a medium format cooled CCD or CMOS camera. It publicly releases its raw data for people to practice processing. If you are interested in downloading its data, please check this page for details: www.astrobin.com/mt3oit/?_ga=2.20034232.1659166176.170884...

N 24 B 1.3K C 3 E Dec 9, 2023 F Dec 12, 2023
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Fujifilm GFX-100S (astro-modified)
Fujifilm GF 45mm/F2.8 @ 4.0
total exposure time = 4.3 hr

see www.astrobin.com/q3ympk/ for more technical details.

N 172 B 8.4K C 11 E Jan 23, 2023 F Mar 29, 2023
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Comet 2017 K2 (PanSTARRS) is in the lower-right corner.

Sony A7R5
Sigma 40mm/F1.4 @ F2.8
total exposure time = 3.1 hr

see www.astrobin.com/wewoxq/ for more technical details.

N 49 B 2.4K C 4 E Feb 13, 2023 F Feb 9, 2023
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Fujifilm GFX100S (astro-modified)
Fujifilm GF 23mm/F4.0 @ F4.0
3-panel panorama.
total exposure time = 5.2 hr

see www.astrobin.com/axumee/ for more technical details.
