The Beauty Within - Charleston South Carolina Spring Flowers Lowcountry Landscape Photography
The spring azalea bloom in Charleston is always a welcome sight after the cold winter, and in some ways for me it sort of signals the official start of a new season in the Carolinas. The bloom in the lowcountry was spectacular this year, noticeably better in many places than in recent years, and the timing worked out perfect for this year's group workshop. The beautiful scenes and good conditions we had always make for a great time, especially when it's shared with such a great group of people. I'm so excited to be getting back out in the field and really looking forward to some new adventures with our friends! Hope you enjoy the view!
Nikon D810 and 24-70mm f/2.8
© 2018 Dave Allen Photography, All Rights Reserved. This image may NOT be used for anything without my explicit permission.
Tags: charleston south carolina sc azaleas spring flowers oak trees lowcountry spring flowers magnolia south azalea flowers carolina plantation live oaks spanish moss scenic outdoors nature outdoor photographer
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Angel Oak Tree Charleston SC
The amazing angel oak tree on Johns Island near Charleston SC. This ancient live oak tree is said to be over 1400 years old and one of the oldest living things in North America. Folklore suggests that the ghosts of slaves have appeared around the tree as angels, though the tree got it's name from the estate of Justis and Martha Angel. I kinda liked the way it looked in the somewhat harsh lighting, as I liked the contrast it added to the highlights and shadows. I had to wait for a cloud to control the amount of light in the scene to get a proper exposure and used a circular polarizer to control the skies adding the rich blue color to the sky in the background. Hope you enjoy it, faves and comments are appreciated! ;-)
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Single exposure with a Nikon D800 w/ 17-35mm f2.8 and Nikon CP
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© 2013 Dave Allen Photography, All Rights Reserved. This image may NOT be used for anything without my explicit permission.
Tags: angel oak charleston sc angel oak oak tree south carolina ancient live oak dave allen landscape photography spring charleston sc my_gear_and_me_gold my_gear_and_me_platinum my_gear_and_me_diamond
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