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Nigel Capelle / 50 items

N 0 B 0 C 0 E Jun 25, 2024 F Sep 30, 2024
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Sheffield, 25.6.24.

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A 'busy' scene at Parkend on the Dean Forest Railway last Saturday, 28 September 2024 as 09106 awaits the arrival of the branch passenger service before returning to Lydney Junction - for more details about 09106's working see the image entitled 'Parkend Freight' in my photostream.

Approaching the station is ex-GWR 2-6-2T number 5541 working the 1304 Lydney Junction to Parkend.

Tags:   Dean Forest Railway DFR Parkend 09106 HNRC HNRC 6 TTA 5541

N 0 B 14 C 0 E Dec 14, 2018 F Sep 30, 2024
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86219 "Pheonix" is seen on the viaduct just north of Carlisle station in the late 1970s.

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On Saturday 28 September 2024 09106 arrives at Parkend on the Dean Forest Railway with the 12.46 Lydney junction to Parkend freight.

For more information about the locomotive/train/event please see the image 'Parkend Freight', it is next to this image.

Tags:   Dean Forest Railway DFR Parkend HNRC HNRC 6 Harry Needle Rail Company 09106 TTA Queen Mary Queen Mary Brakevan

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An enjoyable few hours at Parkend on the Dean Forest Railway last Saturday (28 September 2024). Occasionally the railway operates trips along the line using a brake van, this day the motive power was 09106, also eleven preserved TTA tankers were included making quite an interesting sight. The working shown was the 11.15 Lydney Junction to Parkend. I was surprised, but pleased (as a photographer) to see so few people around the station, so this view is enhanced by the couple watching as the working arrives at its destination.

09106 was owned by Harry Needle Rail Company (as fleet number 6), hence the orange livery, it has previously (I believe) worked at Hope Cement works, Derbyshire and more recently at Celsa steel works in Cardiff when on hire to GBRf. When the hire period finished HNRC sold the shunter and it now resides at the DFR. Between 09106 and the TTAs is the ex-Southern Railway 'Queen Mary bogie brake van.

Tags:   Dean Forest Railway DFR Parkend Class 09 09106 Harry Needle Rail Company HNRC TTA Preserved Tankers Queen Mary Queen Mary Brakevan 6 HNRC 6
