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User / Will S. / Sets / King Billy
Will / 30 items

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King William of Orange on his horse, against a map of Northern Ireland with the Union Jack superimposed, on a souvenir keychain.

Today is the Glorious Twelfth!

Remember the Boyne!

No Surrender!

Tags:   mypics keychain northernirelandsouvenirs kingbilly williamoforange williamiiioforange kingwilliam kingwilliamiiioforange kingwilliamoforange king billy's on the wall williamiii princewilliam princewilliamoforange willemvanoranje williamiiofscotland

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Just out of interest, I decided to attend the Orange parade on July 12, 2008 in Toronto, since I hadn't ever done so before. (I'm not an Orangeman, and I've never been to any Orange parade before, anywhere.) I took lots of pictures.

Tags:   mypics toronto ontario canada orangeorder orangeinstitution orangelodge orangelodges orangeism parade parades orangeparade flags banners annualorangeparade torontoorangeparade orangeparade2008 2008orangeparade orangeparadetoronto 2008annualorangeparade annualorangeparade2008 westdurhamdistrict kingbilly orangemen orangeman theorangeinstitution loyalorangelodge theorangeorder orangehall loyalorangeinstitution kingwilliam williamiii princewilliam williamoforange princewilliamoforange willemvanoranje williamiiofscotland

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Just out of interest, I decided to attend the Orange parade on July 12, 2008 in Toronto, since I hadn't ever done so before. (I'm not an Orangeman, and I've never been to any Orange parade before, anywhere.) I took lots of pictures.

Tags:   mypics toronto ontario canada orangeorder orangeinstitution orangelodge orangelodges orangeism parade parades orangeparade flags banners annualorangeparade torontoorangeparade orangeparade2008 2008orangeparade orangeparadetoronto 2008annualorangeparade annualorangeparade2008 Tobermore kingbilly orangemen orangeman theorangeinstitution loyalorangelodge theorangeorder orangehall loyalorangeinstitution kingwilliam williamiii princewilliam williamoforange princewilliamoforange willemvanoranje williamiiofscotland

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Just out of interest, I decided to attend the Orange parade on July 12, 2008 in Toronto, since I hadn't ever done so before. (I'm not an Orangeman, and I've never been to any Orange parade before, anywhere.) I took lots of pictures.

Tags:   mypics toronto ontario canada orangeorder orangeinstitution orangelodge orangelodges orangeism parade parades orangeparade flags banners annualorangeparade torontoorangeparade orangeparade2008 2008orangeparade orangeparadetoronto 2008annualorangeparade annualorangeparade2008 kingbilly highlandcreek orangemen orangeman theorangeinstitution loyalorangelodge theorangeorder orangehall loyalorangeinstitution kingwilliam williamiii princewilliam williamoforange princewilliamoforange willemvanoranje williamiiofscotland british monarchy unitedkingdom greatbritain england english sovereign

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Just out of interest, I decided to attend the Orange parade on July 12, 2008 in Toronto, since I hadn't ever done so before. (I'm not an Orangeman, and I've never been to any Orange parade before, anywhere.) I took lots of pictures.

Tags:   mypics toronto ontario canada orangeorder orangeinstitution orangelodge orangelodges orangeism parade parades orangeparade flags banners annualorangeparade torontoorangeparade orangeparade2008 2008orangeparade orangeparadetoronto 2008annualorangeparade annualorangeparade2008 mossparkarmoury victory orangemen orangeman theorangeinstitution loyalorangelodge theorangeorder orangehall loyalorangeinstitution kingbilly kingwilliam williamiii princewilliam williamoforange princewilliamoforange willemvanoranje williamiiofscotland
