This is an exact miniature version of our uniforms! :)
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Our uniforms were blue and white. My best friend sophomore year was Kris, and we got a job at the new McDonald's before it opened. We had to drive 60 miles to a neighboring town to train--they had bright lime green and white uniforms. (And if I remember right, since it was a larger town than ours, a whole lot of really cute guys that distracted us from our McTraining) ;) 18 of 18
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Our uniforms were blue and white. My best friend sophomore year was Kris, and we got a job at the new McDonald's before it opened. We had to drive 60 miles to a neighboring town to train--they had bright lime green and white uniforms. (And if I remember right, since it was a larger town than ours, a whole lot of really cute guys that distracted us from our McTraining) ;) 17 of 18
Tags: McDonald's 1981
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Our uniforms were blue and white. My best friend sophomore year was Kris, and we got a job at the new McDonald's before it opened. We had to drive 60 miles to a neighboring town to train--they had bright lime green and white uniforms. (And if I remember right, since it was a larger town than ours, a whole lot of really cute guys that distracted us from our McTraining) ;) 16 of 18
Tags: McDonald's 1981
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Our uniforms were blue and white. My best friend sophomore year was Kris, and we got a job at the new McDonald's before it opened. We had to drive 60 miles to a neighboring town to train--they had bright lime green and white uniforms. (And if I remember right, since it was a larger town than ours, a whole lot of really cute guys that distracted us from our McTraining) ;) 15 of 18
Tags: McDonald's 1981
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