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Greg L. Jones / 367,383 items

N 507 B 14.2K C 47 E May 28, 2024 F Sep 30, 2024
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Pura vida!!!! My new work from Costa Rica is now live on my website! For me, it always feels good to release new work. Almost feels like another chapter being closed and another one being opened. Costa Rica is such a beautiful country. The landscape there is so rich, colorful, and diverse. My imagery does this amazing landscape no justice. I wanted to see, feel and experience a completely different landscape. Costa Rica checked those boxes. There is definitely much more to see and experience there, and I will be visiting again sometime in the future.
The waterfalls that I visited were incredible. These volcanic waterfalls that lie deep in the rainforest have a turquoise appearance from the chemicals in the water reacting to the rain forest. These colors contrast well with the dense rainforest. As with most tropical rainforests, atmosphere is common. The mornings were filled with dense fog along the hillsides providing many photo opportunities. Every morning I woke up to some amazing conditions! Crazy!
Anyway, I could go on and on about my visit, but I hope you guys enjoy the new images! I still have a lot of new work that I’m working on and will be out in the field for the next month chasing fall color….my favorite time of the year! Yay!

Tags:   Costa Rica waterfalls greens rainforest jungle landscape Nikon Z7ii blue water mood Central America Centro America

N 556 B 17.6K C 104 E Aug 8, 2024 F Oct 1, 2024
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Phares d'entrée du port

Tags:   n.marteville harbour port entrance' harbour entrance phare lighthouse boat yacht bateau coast landscape paysage seascape Spain Espagne Puerto Soller atmosphere mood

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www.flickr.com/explore/2024/10/01 ⍟ 7 ⍟

The Cliff Walk at First (pronounced as Feerst) is a series of suspended platforms and narrow bridges bolted onto the side of the mountain "First" in the Berner-Oberland region of Switzerland.

At over 2,000m/6,500 ft high, on clear days the Cliff Walk offers a stunning view of Grindelwald in the valley below.

Unfortunately, thick fogs rolled in at the time we got on to the cliff walkway and blocked all views. 😔

Thank you for stopping by, dear Flickr friends! 🙏🌷🌹

Tags:   Travel Scenery Outdoor Canon EOS R5 Full Frame Landscape RF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM Switzerland First Grindelwald Cliff Bernese Oberland Cliff Walk Snow Mountain Valley

N 1.0K B 33.4K C 96 E May 12, 2024 F Oct 1, 2024
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Yup, that blue house where you need to queue to get a shot...

Thank you for your visit :)

Please visit my Personal Homepage

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© Zach Chang. All rights reserved.

Kindly contact me if you intend to use my works.

Tags:   Australia Perth House Blue Long Exposure Lake Crawley Shed Boathouse

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Turmfalke / Kestrel / Faucon crécerelle / Cernícalo vulgar /
Falco tinnunculus

Tags:   Kestrel Falco tinnunculus

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