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User / Old_Man_Leica / Sets / Castle Howard
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Palladian temples, lakes, statues - an 18th Century vision of paradise, perhaps. "If you awaken here, perhaps you are already dead?"

Paradise; from the Greek, paradeisos; from the Persian, Paradaida = Park or gardens

The early morning mists are still visible over the lakes and grounds of Castle Howard, North Yorkshire.

Some may remember the TV series, Brideshead Revisited; Castle Howard played the part of Brideshead.

Although building work began c. 1699 the construction of Castle Howard took more than one hundred years before the House could be said to have been finally completed, and spanned the lifetimes of three Earls and numerous architects and craftsmen.

The main designers for both house and grounds were John Vanbrugh and Nicholas Hawksmoor. Built from east to west the mansion took shape in just under ten years.

The East Wing was constructed in 1701-03; the eastern wing of the Garden Front in 1701-06; the Central Block, including the dome, in 1703-06; and the western wing of the Garden Front in 1707-09.

see www.castlehoward.co.uk/metadot/index.pl?id=0&isa=Cate...

for those interested in the title of this shot; the phrase is a memento mori, which is usually interpreted to mean "I am also in Arcadia" or "I am even in Arcadia", as if spoken by personified Death or the Grim Reeper, himself.

Tags:   Castle Howard Italianate North Yorkshire gardens park landscape gardens landscape view temples follies Palladian Nice Shot! photodomino 229 #01 Getty

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The South facade:-

The major TV drama, Brideshead Revisited was filmed for the most part here at Castle Howard, in Oxford and in Venice. Castle Howard was cast as Brideshead and is is here that the mood of the drama swings from optimism to pessimism as Charles Ryder recalls earlier days on the estate when he returns to it during World War II.

The facade employs Doric styles for the north and Corinthian for the south side - when challenged over this the architect Hawksmoor replied that nobody could see both fronts simultaneously!

Tags:   Castle Howard North Yorkshire May 2006 fountains Palladian landscape gardens

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Tags:   statue Castle Howard North Yorkshire Italianate Palladian galdiator borghese B&W The World Through my Eyes payitforward PD533-03

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Aptly named on a windy promontory on the estate and guarded by the Borghese Gladiator.

A fine example of the classical Palladian style popular with English aristocrats returning from the "Grand Tour" and wishing to re-create a somewhat idealised vision of the classical Mediterranean world.

"Palladian" is the only arcitectural style named after an individual, Andrea Palladio (1508–80), and based on his detailed study of classical Roman architecture. Palladio's urban buildings, as well as his villas, scattered throughout the Veneto region of Italy, had a decisive influence on the development of architecture. His work inspired a distinct architectural style named after him, which spread to England and other European countries, and also to North America.

Castle Howard is a fine example.

One thing the guide books gloss over. In a time when planning permission was less formal than it is now, an entire village was moved and demolished to make room for part of the Castle and estate gardens.

Tags:   Castle Howard North Yorkshire Palladian Italianate temple Temple of the Winds Gladiator Borghese walks idyll gardens photodomino 246 #41

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The remains of my picnic lunch...

Tags:   Castle Howard North Yorkshire May 2006 catchy colors TWTME photodomino 322 #10 coke cola can coca cola
