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User / Old_Man_Leica / Sets / Athens (Scan)
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Experimenting with a new Canon scanner (4200F) and some very old transparencies which have not seen the light of day since 1970-1980. These are of a family holiday in Athens.

A view of the agora (forum) from atop of the Acropolis.

Tags:   Scanned Scan 35mm transparencies Athens Greece 1970s B&W Canon 4200F

N 1 B 1.0K C 2 E Jul 15, 2006 F Jul 15, 2006
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Experimenting with a new Canon scanner (4200F) and some very old transparencies which have not seen the light of day since 1970-1980. These are of a family holiday in Athens.

Tags:   Athens scan scanned Canon 4200F 1970s flea market

N 1 B 789 C 2 E Jul 15, 2006 F Jul 15, 2006
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Experimenting with a new Canon scanner (4200F) and some very old transparencies which have not seen the light of day since 1970-1980. These are of a family holiday in Athens.

Tags:   acropolis athens 1970s scanned scan canon 4200F trnasparency 35mm

N 2 B 968 C 0 E Jul 17, 2006 F Jul 17, 2006
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The almost 'lunar' landscape of one of the best known historical sites on the planet.

The Acropolis hill, so called the "Sacred Rock" of Athens, is the most important site of the city. During Perikles' Golden Age, ancient Greek civilization was represented in an ideal way on the hill and some of the architectural masterpieces of the period were erected on its ground.

The first habitation remains on the Acropolis date from the Neolithic period. Over the centuries, the rocky hill was continuously used either as a cult place or as a residential area or both.

During the Classical period (450-330 B.C.) three important temples were erected on the ruins of earlier ones: the Parthenon, the Erechtheion, and the Temple of Nike, dedicated to Athena Parthenos, Athena Polias, and Athena-Apteros Nike, respectively. The Propylaea, the monumental entrance to the sacred area was also constructed in the same period.

The monuments on the Acropolis reflect the successive phases of the city's history. Some of them were converted into Christian churches, houses of the Franks and later on, of the Turks. After the liberation of Athens from the Turks, the protection, restoration and conservation of the monuments was one of the first tasks of the newly-founded Greek state. This major effort is continued until today, with the large-scale restoration and supporting of the monuments, which started in the 1970's and is still in progress.

see www.culture.gr/2/21/211/21101a/e211aa01.html

and en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acropolis,_Athens

Tags:   Athens scan acropolis
