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User / Old_Man_Leica / Sets / Rome 2009
30 items

N 0 B 296 C 0 E Oct 27, 2009 F Nov 14, 2009
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The Arch of Titus spent much of the Middle Ages as a fortified gateway. It was only 'recently' restored to its current form, much of what you now see being non-original. For example, of the small columns that decorate the arch, the fluted one are original, the plain, modern copies. The famous scenes on the interior of the arch - of the Triumph of Titus complete with spoils from the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem - are original.

Tags:   Rome 2009 Rome October 2009 Italy Arch of Titus forum Leica

N 0 B 696 C 0 E Oct 23, 2006 F Dec 30, 2009
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Detail from the south face of the Arch of Constantine, Rome.

This arch was possibly begun by Maxentius but re-dedicated by the Senate to Constantine in July 315.

There are a total of eight "tondi" or circular sculptured panels, four on the north and four on the south face of the arch. The panels are spolia or pieces reclaimed from earlier monuments - in this case from an unidentified Hadrianic monument.

The panels depict, from left to right, (i) the Emperor and his followers gather before a gate or arch, then in (ii) they sacrifice to Silvanus, god of the woods, before a hunt; (iii) the hunt with the Emperor on horse-back with his spear raised and (iv) a sacrifice of thanks to Diana, the goddess of the hunt.

Tags:   Rome 2006 (II) tondi Rome 2009 Arch of Constantine detail tryptic

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"Ice cream, drinks" - one of scores of street traders at every tourist site in Rome. This one is near the Colosseum. Besides being expensive one of their favourite 'tricks' is to sell "mineral" water frozen solid so you can't drink it for at least an hour after you buy it! Well at least it's cold. Think ahead, buy water from a shop or better still, drink from the street (drinking) fountains - they have been supplying Rome with cool, sweet water for over 2500 years.

Tags:   Rome 2009 Leica D-LUX4 October 2009 Rome Italy drinks wagon gelati bibite gelati bibite

N 0 B 568 C 1 E Oct 30, 2009 F Oct 30, 2009
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The Roman Forum from the top of the Palatine Hill (Farnese Gardens)

Tags:   AutoStitch Rome Forum panorama October 2009 view from the Farnese Gardens stitch Leica D-LUX4 2 shots

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Terracotta mask in the collection at the Capitoline Museum, Rome, Italy

Tags:   Rome 2009 October 2009 Capitoline Museum museum mask Roman terracotta