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User / sara kiesling / Sets / - me
Sara Kiesling / 20 items

N 47 B 11.8K C 43 E May 6, 2009 F May 6, 2009
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Today was seriously the slowest day ever. UPS was supposed to arrive with my new Canon 5D Mark II anywhere between 8am and 5pm. I spent the entire day watching TV as close to my front door as possible, drinking cup after cup of coffee (I always stay up late and usually sleep until at least noon...so 8am was so early for me). Today was also garbage day, so any time I heard a truck nearing my house, I ran to the door to see if it was UPS...and it was always a garbage truck. FML.

It arrived at 4:59pm. Seriously. 8am-5pm and it arrives at 4:59. FMLx2.

I had a shoot tonight, so as soon as my camera arrived, I opened the box, started charging the battery, and was finally able to get ready for my day (I was afraid to even take a shower earlier, because I didn't want to miss UPS). Got ready...put the battery in...headed out to my shoot, with my fingers crossed that a) the camera even WORKED, b) that I'd figure out how to use it. And of course, my first shoot with it had to be in the rain. FMLx3. Then the power socket for one of my AB800s completely fell into the light. So now I'm down to one light for the time being. FMLx4.

BUT. I'm in love with my new camera. I'm so so so stoked. I can't wait to use it more. :)

The end.

www.sarakiesling.com || twitter

N 11 B 5.1K C 6 E Jul 15, 2008 F Jul 15, 2008
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ha...this one's for you, friend :)


Tags:   self-portrait alien bees ab800 grrr sara kiesling canon rebel xti face growl

N 61 B 8.7K C 41 E Apr 27, 2008 F Apr 27, 2008
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Taken on Thursday in a hotel in Lancaster, Pennsylvania while getting ready to see my boys, Sing It Loud :)

I didn't take too many pictures while on vacation. I honestly just didn't feel like carrying around a bulky camera all the time...is that bad??

www.sarakiesling.com || twitter

Tags:   self-portrait sara portrait canon xti mirror pennsylvania girl Michelle Black Funky XP

N 14 B 8.0K C 21 E Oct 9, 2009 F Oct 12, 2009
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Explored - #190

My boyfriend Adam and me :)

My mom got married on Saturday. I was the maid of honor, did her makeup, sang two songs, and was the partial wedding photographer. I set up all of my gear, did all of the formal shots that didn't include me, and handed the camera off to a good family friend named Nathan (who just does photography as a hobby and had never done a wedding...but did a great job!) for all of the shots that I was in. Nathan did the ceremony shots, and he and I both took photos at the reception. Busyyyyy weekend.

Also, my mom's was the last of seven weddings since August 16th. Six good friend of mine got married between August 16th and September 26th...I guess that happens when you're my age (24), though! (And I didn't shoot any of the weddings...was just in or attended).

www.sarakiesling.com || twitter

N 9 B 10.2K C 5 E Jul 24, 2009 F Oct 22, 2009
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I just found this photo that I look back in July while on tour with Stephen Jerzak, Chase Coy, Breathe Electric, and Romance On A Rocketship. Chase had blank journals for sale, and decided to draw things on the back inside cover of each one. He drew this little picture of me while we were in Austin, TX. I wanted to keep this journal for myself...but it ended up being sold. If you or anyone you know purchased this one...let me know :)

Tags:   chase coy drawing sara kiesling
