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Sara Kiesling / 304 items

N 61 B 26.7K C 10 E Jan 4, 2012 F Apr 2, 2012
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Explored - #107


Back in January, I headed out to do a shoot with my friend FRANKMUSIK. It ended up turning into me filming a music video (I'd never even used my camera for video, other than a couple times at concerts, so I had absolutely no idea what I was doing...I also didn't have a tripod, and I'm a super shaky person in general...so yeah haha). I only took a few photos that day, and this is one of them.

FRANKMUSIK just launched a new website and released a free EP, including a song featuring my amazing friend that I'm sure you all know & love, Casey Carlson (Quigley). Check out his website and download the EP for free at www.freefrankmusik.com!

Canon 5D Mark II, 85mm f/1.8. Natural light.

www.sarakiesling.com || blog || twitter || facebook || actions

N 27 B 19.6K C 10 E May 2, 2011 F Nov 9, 2011
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Los Angeles, CA

I know...it's not a pretty girl. But this guy is awesome.

Canon 5D Mark II, 50mm f/1.4. Natural light.

www.sarakiesling.com || blog || twitter || facebook

N 48 B 11.4K C 16 E May 2, 2011 F May 7, 2011
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Explored - #172

Los Angeles, CA

While in LA I worked with an artist named Frankmusik. My friend Jared introduced me to the music of Frankmusik (real name Vince) a couple years ago, and I was so excited when I found out that Vince wanted to work with me while I was in California! This is totally unlike anything I've ever done, but I surprisingly love how it turned out. I won't take credit for the idea, though - it was totally him. I'm just amazed that we were able to even sort of pull it off without him getting run over.

Frankmusik has a new album coming out in the fall and just released the first single, featuring Far East Movement called "Do It In The A.M." You can check out the video here.

Canon 5D Mark II, 50mm f/1.4. Natural light.

www.sarakiesling.com || blog || twitter || facebook

N 65 B 15.9K C 22 E Mar 26, 2011 F Jun 8, 2011
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Explored - #77

Minneapolis, MN

My boyfriend's band, The Season, just released their new EP on iTunes! I absolutely love it, and I think some of you might love it, as well :)

This photo was edited with one of my actions - "Ten" from Set Two. If you purchase the EP on iTunes and forward me a copy of your iTunes receipt, I will send you this action for free!


Download The Way We Were - The Season (iTunes) here!

Forward your receipt to: sarakieslingactions@gmail.com


Canon 5D Mark II, 50mm f/1.4. Natural light.

www.sarakiesling.com || blog || twitter || facebook || actions

N 96 B 12.8K C 18 E Feb 13, 2011 F Mar 12, 2011
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Explored - #20

New York, New York

I spent a week in New York with my friend Grace Weber last month, and I did three shoots while there - including one for her new album which will be out later this spring. We had been shooting on the rooftop of the building that one of her friends lives in, when I looked down and saw this one. Her friend discovered that we'd be able to get onto this rooftop by climbing through his neighbor's small (and square) kitchen window and climbing down a little ways. So of course, we did it.

I was really hoping I'd run into Chuck Bass or Blair Waldorf while shooting on the Upper East Side...but no luck. ;) I guess I'll have to just continue watching Gossip Girl on TV.

Canon 5D Mark II, 50mm f/1.4. Natural light.

www.sarakiesling.com || blog || twitter || facebook
