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User / Yasu Torigoe / Restaurant and historic city gate (Stągiewna Gate Milk Stągwie) on the Granary Island (Wyspa Spichrzów) in Gdańsk, Poland. 989-Edita
Yasu Torigoe / 8,253 items
Stągiewna Gate Milk Stągwie) - a historic city gate on the Granary Island in Gdańsk . Built at the beginning of the 16th century, the defensive towers are called Milk Jars due to their shapes and are the remains of the city's fortifications. At the beginning of the 17th century, the gate was rebuilt. During the siege in 1813, part of the gate was destroyed. In 1945 the interiors burned down and the roofs collapsed.
From 1972, the gate was used by the Polish Artists and Designers Cooperative ARPO , which bought the building in the 1990s.

Wyspa Spichrzów Gdańsk Poland- an island in Gdańsk on the Motława River , located in the Śródmieście district .
The island is situated between the Motława River and its ditch - Nowa Motława . It is situated in the center of Śródmieście, connected to the Long Gardens from the east through the Stągiewny Bridge , from the south to the Old Town, from the west through the Krowi Bridge and the Zielony Bridge with the Main Town. From the north, the island is adjacent to the Ołowianka island .

  • Views: 6391
  • Comments: 31
  • Favorites: 441
  • Taken: Sep 24, 2019
  • Uploaded: Oct 2, 2020
  • Updated: Aug 20, 2021