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User / Yasu Torigoe / Sets / 2023 Nov. Santa Barbara, CA
Yasu Torigoe / 49 items

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Andrée Clark Bird Refuge, a 42-acre saltwater marsh, is one of the largest wildlife refuges in Santa Barbara County, California, United States. The refuge has a 29-acre freshwater/brackish lake, an artificially modified estuary, which drains through East Beach into the Pacific Ocean. Wikipedia

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Andrée Clark Bird Refuge, a 42-acre saltwater marsh, is one of the largest wildlife refuges in Santa Barbara County, California, United States. The refuge has a 29-acre freshwater/brackish lake, an artificially modified estuary, which drains through East Beach into the Pacific Ocean. Wikipedia

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Andrée Clark Bird Refuge, a 42-acre saltwater marsh, is one of the largest wildlife refuges in Santa Barbara County, California, United States. The refuge has a 29-acre freshwater/brackish lake, an artificially modified estuary, which drains through East Beach into the Pacific Ocean. Wikipedia

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Andrée Clark Bird Refuge, a 42-acre saltwater marsh, is one of the largest wildlife refuges in Santa Barbara County, California, United States. The refuge has a 29-acre freshwater/brackish lake, an artificially modified estuary, which drains through East Beach into the Pacific Ocean. Wikipedia
