My newest camera, an Exa 1c, made between 1985-1987 by Certo Camera Werk, under license from VEB Pentacon of East Germany. It's an SLR where the mirror acts as the shutter, so it only has a top speed of 1/175sec. The viewfinder is detachable; mine being a waist-level, but a pentaprism type is also available. I like this all-black version, although the plastic feels quite cheap, but earlier versions where chrome and metal from my knowledge, like the 1b. The shutter button is a bit awkward for me, because I'm right-handed and the button is on the left. Overall, I love the lines on this camera, it's relatively light and small for an SLR and it's fun to compose shots with a waist-level finder.
This is my first roll/test roll through the Exa 1c. I decided to use a lower speed film, since the top shutter speed is only 1/175sec. I shot a roll of Fujifilm Neopan 100 Acros (expired October 2015), which was also my first roll of 35mm black and white. I've shot C41 black and white in 35mm and true black and white in 120, but never in 35mm. I've done semi-stand developing for black and white (120), but I tried developing this roll the "regular" way, which was also a first.
This roll of Fujifilm Neopan Acros was developed in an 1:50 solution of Blazinal (Rodinal) at 20°C for 13.5 minutes. I did a pre-soak for 1 minute; followed by the Blazinal, starting with 1 minute continuous agitation, followed by 10 seconds of agitation (about 3 agitations) every minute, tapping at the end of agitations. I used water for stop, agitating for about 30 seconds, changing the water in between. Fixer was 5 minutes total, with 30 seconds agitation in the beginning, followed by 10 seconds every minute, tapping after agitations. If anyone has a method that works well for them, please let me know.
Tags: Exa 1c Certo Camera Werk VEB Pentacon East Germany vintage camera waist-level viewfinder M42 Pancolar 50mm f/1.8 mirror car selfie Fujifilm Neopan 100 Acros black and white home developed Blazinal Rodinal film analogue manual mechanical expired film expired October 2015
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Milk Chocolate Macadamia... it pulls.
Exa 1c
Pancolar 50mm f/1.8
Fujifilm Neopan 100 Acros (expired October 2015)
Blazinal (Rodinal) 1:50, 20°C/68°F, 13.5mins
Tags: Milk Chocolate Macadamia cookie crispy sweet Sausalito Pepperidge Farm chocolate chunks round circle Exa 1c Pancolar 50mm f/1.4 test roll first roll Fujifilm Neopan 100 Acros Black and White film analogue home developed Blazinal Rodinal fingers screen Mac light leak force food bite eats epicurian gourmet expired film expired October 2015
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Exa 1c test roll
Hanimex 135mm f/3.5, wide open
Fujifilm Neopan 100 Acros (expired October 2015)
Developed in Blazinal (Rodinal) 1:50 at 20°C/68°F for 13.5mins.
Tags: coyote wooden box howling bokeh Exa 1c Hanimex 135mm f/3.5 Fujifilm Neopan 100 Acros Black and White B&W Blazinal Rodinal home developed analogue expired film expired October 2015
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Exa 1c test roll
Pancolar 50mm f/1.8
Fujifilm Neopan 100 Acros, expired October 2015
Developed in Blazinal (Rodinal) at 20°C/68°F for 13.5 minutes
Tags: vaqueiros vacas batalha cowboys cows battle chess checkers board clay artesania handicraft light flare Exa 1c Pancolar 50mm f/1.8 Fujifilm Neopan 100 Acros expired film analogue October 2015 Blazinal Rodinal home developed black and white B&W
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Exa 1c test roll
Pancolar 50mm f/1.8
Fujifilm Neopan 100 Acros, expired October 2015
Developed in Blazinal (Rodinal) at 20°C/68°F for 13.5 minutes
Tags: Exa 1c Pancolar 50mm f/1.8 Fujifilm Neopan 100 Acros home developed Blazinal Rodinal Black and White B&W test roll light and shadows contrast concrete DOF depth of field
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