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User / Yutaka Seki / Sets / Agfa Isolette I
Yutaka Seki / 8 items

N 10 B 504 C 1 E Feb 13, 2022 F Feb 13, 2022
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A trip to Richmond to my ophthalmologist, with stops at Izumiya and Aberdeen Mall.

Agfa Isolette I, test
Fomapan 400
Blazinal/Rodinal 1:25, 5.5 minutes, 20°C/68°F
Epson V550

I picked up an Agfa Isolette I on eBay, which looked good on photos, but was listed as "untested/as is". Once I received the camera, I was excited that the shutter speeds seemed all good, but disappointed that the focus was seized.

I did a bit of dismantling; separated the shutter/lens unit from the body, then removed the stuck elements/thread, and tried brute force, heat and soaking it in alcohol, but nothing worked. I decided to assemble things back and use the camera as is, with focus stuck at 10 feet. I loaded the camera with Fomapan 400, and tried to see if I could shoot at f/16+ on a sunny day to get max depth of field.

I should have been able to get 6 feet to 30 feet in focus at f/16, but maybe the lens is not stuck at 10 feet. I think my range is much shorter. Still a usable camera, and a learning experience if I need to service a Vario shutter in the future.

Tags:   Agfa Isolette I vintage camera folding camera folder bellows camera camera test Fomapan 400 Black and White home developed Rodinal Blazinal Epson V550 Izumiya Japanese market food market 120 film

N 8 B 667 C 0 E Feb 14, 2022 F Feb 14, 2022
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A trip to Richmond to my ophthalmologist, with stops at Izumiya and Aberdeen Mall.

Agfa Isolette I, test
Fomapan 400
Blazinal/Rodinal 1:25, 5.5 minutes, 20°C/68°F
Epson V550

I picked up an Agfa Isolette I on eBay, which looked good on photos, but was listed as "untested/as is". Once I received the camera, I was excited that the shutter speeds seemed all good, but disappointed that the focus was seized.

I did a bit of dismantling; separated the shutter/lens unit from the body, then removed the stuck elements/thread, and tried brute force, heat and soaking it in alcohol, but nothing worked. I decided to assemble things back and use the camera as is, with focus stuck at 10 feet. I loaded the camera with Fomapan 400, and tried to see if I could shoot at f/16+ on a sunny day to get max depth of field.

I should have been able to get 6 feet to 30 feet in focus at f/16, but maybe the lens is not stuck at 10 feet. I think my range is much shorter. Still a usable camera, and a learning experience if I need to service a Vario shutter in the future.

Tags:   Agfa Isolette I vintage camera folding camera folder bellows camera camera test Fomapan 400 home developed Blazinal Rodinal Black and White Epson V550 Aberdeen mall building glass architecture 120 film

N 10 B 679 C 2 E Feb 15, 2022 F Feb 15, 2022
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Agfa Isolette I, test
Fomapan 400
Blazinal/Rodinal 1:25, 5.5 minutes, 20°C/68°F
Epson V550

I picked up an Agfa Isolette I on eBay, which looked good on photos, but was listed as "untested/as is". Once I received the camera, I was excited that the shutter speeds seemed all good, but disappointed that the focus was seized.

I did a bit of dismantling; separated the shutter/lens unit from the body, then removed the stuck elements/thread, and tried brute force, heat and soaking it in alcohol, but nothing worked. I decided to assemble things back and use the camera as is, with focus stuck at 10 feet. I loaded the camera with Fomapan 400, and tried to see if I could shoot at f/16+ on a sunny day to get max depth of field.

I should have been able to get 6 feet to 30 feet in focus at f/16, but maybe the lens is not stuck at 10 feet. I think my range is much shorter. Still a usable camera, and a learning experience if I need to service a Vario shutter in the future.

Tags:   car Coca-Cola Agfa Isolette I camera test test roll Fomapan 400 Black and White home developed Blazinal Rodinal 120 Film Epson V550

N 8 B 519 C 1 E Feb 16, 2022 F Feb 16, 2022
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Agfa Isolette I, test
Fomapan 400
Blazinal/Rodinal 1:25, 5.5 minutes, 20°C/68°F
Epson V550

I picked up an Agfa Isolette I on eBay, which looked good on photos, but was listed as "untested/as is". Once I received the camera, I was excited that the shutter speeds seemed all good, but disappointed that the focus was seized.

I did a bit of dismantling; separated the shutter/lens unit from the body, then removed the stuck elements/thread, and tried brute force, heat and soaking it in alcohol, but nothing worked. I decided to assemble things back and use the camera as is, with focus stuck at 10 feet. I loaded the camera with Fomapan 400, and tried to see if I could shoot at f/16+ on a sunny day to get max depth of field.

I should have been able to get 6 feet to 30 feet in focus at f/16, but maybe the lens is not stuck at 10 feet. I think my range is much shorter. Still a usable camera, and a learning experience if I need to service a Vario shutter in the future.

Tags:   tiger Agfa Isolette I camera test test roll Fomapan 400 Blazinal Rodinal home developed Black and White Epson V550 120 Film medium format

N 10 B 639 C 2 E Feb 13, 2022 F Feb 17, 2022
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Agfa Isolette I, test
Fomapan 400
Blazinal/Rodinal 1:25, 5.5 minutes, 20°C/68°F
Epson V550

I picked up an Agfa Isolette I on eBay, which looked good on photos, but was listed as "untested/as is". Once I received the camera, I was excited that the shutter speeds seemed all good, but disappointed that the focus was seized.

I did a bit of dismantling; separated the shutter/lens unit from the body, then removed the stuck elements/thread, and tried brute force, heat and soaking it in alcohol, but nothing worked. I decided to assemble things back and use the camera as is, with focus stuck at 10 feet. I loaded the camera with Fomapan 400, and tried to see if I could shoot at f/16+ on a sunny day to get max depth of field.

I should have been able to get 6 feet to 30 feet in focus at f/16, but maybe the lens is not stuck at 10 feet. I think my range is much shorter. Still a usable camera, and a learning experience if I need to service a Vario shutter in the future.

Tags:   Agfa Isolette I camera test vintage camera folding camera folder bellows camera Fomapan 200 120 Film medium format home developed Blazinal Rodinal Black and White Epson V550 architecture building
