Finally tested my Century Graphic. The good news is that everything seems to work okay; there are no light leaks, shutter speeds seem accurate, aperture can be changed smoothly, but... Due to user error, all photos were blurry, because I did not realize that the bellows need to be pulled out until it hits these infinity stop tabs, which should be flipped up to stop the bellows. I may also not have loaded the film correctly, because I only got 7 exposures instead of 8.
We had one of those atmospheric rivers, bringing lots of rain, plus gusty winds, which knocked power out and trees down. Luckily, everything was okay at home. We now have forecast for wet snow, rain, then chilly sunny weather.
Century Graphic, first roll
Schneider-Kreuznack Xenar 105mm f/3.5
Arista EDU Ultra 400
Blazinal/Rodinal 1:25, 5.5 minutes, 20°C/68°F
Epson V550
Tags: fallen tree knocked down knocked over gusty winds windy storm tree stump Century Graphic Schneider-Kreuznach Xenar 105mm f/3.5 medium format 120 Film 6x9 Arista EDU Ultra 400 blurry Black and White B&W Rodinal Epson V550 home developed Blazinal
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Finally tested my Century Graphic. The good news is that everything seems to work okay; there are no light leaks, shutter speeds seem accurate, aperture can be changed smoothly, but... Due to user error, all photos were blurry, because I did not realize that the bellows need to be pulled out until it hits these infinity stop tabs, which should be flipped up to stop the bellows. I may also not have loaded the film correctly, because I only got 7 exposures instead of 8.
Century Graphic, first roll
Schneider-Kreuznack Xenar 105mm f/3.5
Arista EDU Ultra 400
Blazinal/Rodinal 1:25, 5.5 minutes, 20°C/68°F
Epson V550
Tags: shopping cart out of focus blurry Century Graphic 6x9 medium format 120 Film folder bellows camera Schneider-Kreuznack Xenar 105mm f/3.5 home developed Rodinal Blazinal Black and White B&W Epson V550
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Olympus OM2
Zuiko 28mm f//3.5
Arista 200
Blazinal (Rodinal) 1:25, 5 minutes
Pakon F135
Tags: Shannon nap dog paws Olympus OM2 Arista.EDU Ultra 200 Black and White B&W home developed Blazinal Rodinal Pakon F135
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The Yashica Minimatic-EL is basically rangefinder point and shoot. Focusing is done manually, but aperture and shutter speeds are automatically controlled by the camera, without indication of what they are. The shutter locks if there's not enough light. There is a bulb and aperture settings, but selecting an aperture puts the camera in a slow shutter and is meant for flash use.
Trying Arista 400 for the first time, at least in 35mm. It's the cheaper 400 speed alternative, along with Fomapan 400, to Ilford HP5, in terms of speed.
Yashica Minimatic-EL
Arista 400
Caffenol CL
Pakon F135
Tags: Yashica Minimatic-EL Arista EDU Ultra 400 Black and White B&W home developed Caffenol CL semi-stand development high-rise building merge sign
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The Yashica Minimatic-EL is basically rangefinder point and shoot. Focusing is done manually, but aperture and shutter speeds are automatically controlled by the camera, without indication of what they are. The shutter locks if there's not enough light. There is a bulb and aperture settings, but selecting an aperture puts the camera in a slow shutter and is meant for flash use.
Trying Arista 400 for the first time, at least in 35mm. It's the cheaper 400 speed alternative, along with Fomapan 400, to Ilford HP5, in terms of speed.
Yashica Minimatic-EL
Arista 400
Caffenol CL
Pakon F135
Tags: Yashica Minimatic-EL Arista EDU Ultra 400 Black and White B&W home developed Caffenol CL semi-stand development shopping cart bike lock
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