On the backside of Glacier National Park, assuming one has wrapped south around it coming from the west, is a quiet and empty stretch of landscape. It is an area that involves lots of empty road, especially during the middle of winter. You'll find yourself with few companions other than the ever-present mountains, snowy forests and a biting wind. This image was made somewhere along a drive through that area, as we headed north, past the east side of Glacier, and toward the Canadian border. We'd go as far as Cardston before turning back west to make our way over to Waterton Lakes, which has since become one of my favorite places to be in the middle of winter. I think of them as quiet places but they are not really. Sure, the mountains don't make much sound but the wind is always moaning and if you are lucky, you may hearing the haunting howl of wolves in the distance. But maybe I think of them as quiet because that is how I feel internally when I am out in such places.
I have been catching up a bit on my backlog of Holgaramas this past week and this is one I put together quickly last night. It is a fairly simple one, only four frames worth. But I have never thought that many frames has ever been a requirement for these composites. I find the scenes, then use as many or as few frame as necessary to get what I want. Of course, what I wanted was initially a color image, hence the Kodak Ektar loaded in my Holga but upon seeing the assembled piece I liked it better in black and white.
Holga 120N
Kodak Ektar
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