I came back from the UK with about 30 rolls of medium format film (about 300 total images). I then proceeded to develop and print everything. With that batch of prints in hand, I spent more than a couple of evenings sitting and flipping through the collected images, getting a feel for what I had gravitated toward while in Edinburgh. I was looking for patterns after-the-fact that I had not consciously noticed during-the-fact. The actual scanning of negatives didn't start until I had been back in the states for about four months. And that process took another two months to complete. Of those original 300 prints, about half of the images were selected for the extra work of scanning and processing. Of those 150 scans, about 90 turned out to be Edinburgh, a dozen or so of Perth and the balance of London. All the time since has been spent editing scans and trying to decide how to present the finished images.
Those of you who follow my stream may remember my series from Paris. I showed it here as one continuous batch of images. I did that because I wanted to experience of seeing the images to be immersive. I don't really care much for going on trips, coming home and showing the images scattered one or two here or there. It reduces the presentation to a collection of nice images, and loses the ability to build a narrative. And a two dimensional print is limited as it is in its ability to show the experience of standing in Paris, or Edinburgh for that matter. I like stringing the images together because I want to communicate more with the series than I can if I just show my favorite, then a couple of beach pinholes, then my next favorite Edinburgh image, then hop over to downtown Portland photos. You get my drift.
One thing I am going to do different is I am going to take an intermission between Edinburgh and London and Perth. Two and half months of Paris, or however long it was, tried even my patience.
And so on to Edinburgh. I have divided the images up into three sub-series. Edinburgh: Dark, Edinburgh: Light and well, Edinburgh: Everything Else. I want to work with the contrasting themes of how dark and grim a city Edinburgh could be but also show the pockets of color and lightness that could be found here and there. We'll see how it goes.
This one is from along the Royal Mile and made with the assistance of my Holga camera. More on the Mile to come.
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