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User / Carrie Norris
Carrie Norris / 403 items

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My daughter built a fairy garden on our back porch. She was busy for over an hour, gathering items from all over our yard.

I think it couldn’t be more beautiful.

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My daughter asked for a weekend get away together for her 11th birthday. We went to the zoo during our time together, and she got to feed this giraffe! She is the oldest giraffe in all of the United States zoos, and she seemed to be a friendly, wise, kind soul.

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The high school cheerleaders had a special cheer clinic for elementary school girls this week, two little practices mid week and then a special treat: the girls got to join the cheerleaders for the first half of the home football game.

She loved attending the game and being out on the field, and she was adorable to watch, all spunk and bouncing joy and happiness. When she found us in the stands, she blew us a kiss!

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A study in sisters. And quiet, comforting love. And hair curlers. :)

It has been a long time since I have been here--in this group, behind the lens just for my own pleasure, and in this quiet space of being intentionally present with my daughters.
I am grateful to be back.

N 5 B 3.1K C 2 E Mar 20, 2021 F Mar 20, 2021
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Strong and feminine and strong-willed and emotional and hilarious and creative and sensitive and athletic and fierce and loving. All. ❤️
