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User / Angelok-Happy
Лина Ангелина / 699 items

N 179 B 7.0K C 66 E Apr 5, 2024 F Apr 7, 2024
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On the great holy day, the Immaculate Mary received the wonderful news that she would bring the Savior of our souls, Jesus Christ, to the laity. I congratulate all of you, my friends, on the bright feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary!!! May all the news be good, harmony and peace reign in the souls, and warmth and love await at home. May our impulses be kind and our actions be right. Let's go to the Annunciation
Everything will be as promised:
Kindness, love, patience,
Hope for salvation!

Tags:   Orthodoxy holiday temple shrine Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin miracles hope love faith magic heaven joy photos domes icons saints history architecture

N 105 B 1.4K C 64 E Jun 29, 2023 F Mar 22, 2024
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О ней поют поэты всех веков.
Нет в мире ничего нежней и краше,
Чем этот сверток алых лепестков,
Раскрывшийся благоуханной чашей.
Как он прекрасен, холоден и чист, —
Глубокий кубок, полный аромата.
Как дружен с ним простой и скромный лист,
Темно-зеленый, по краям зубчатый.
За лепесток заходит лепесток,
И все они своей пурпурной тканью
Струят неиссякающий поток
Душистого и свежего дыханья.


Poets of all ages sing about it.
There is nothing in the world more delicate and beautiful
than this bunch of scarlet petals
opened in a fragrant bowl.
How beautiful it is, cold and pure, A
deep bowl full of fragrance.
How friendly the simple and humble leaf is with him,
Dark green, jagged at the edges.
Petal follows petal,
And they are all in their magic fabric
An inexhaustible stream flows
Fragrant and fresh breath....(Samuel Marshak)

Tags:   My garden roses roses like stars rose petals leaves fragrance photo Nikon happiness love joy fairy tale miracles mood light shadow rays of the sun

N 99 B 1.5K C 76 E Jul 18, 2023 F Mar 20, 2024
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Я пришла за счастьем, вот мои ладошки…
Боженька, ну сжалься, поделись немножко…
Людям очень важно с мыслью просыпаться,
Что жива надежда, что нельзя сдаваться…
Очередь за счастьем у тебя толпится,
Но намного больше тех, кто побоится
К очереди этой присоединиться…
Только им ведь тоже счастье пригодится…
Я раздам прохожим счастье по крупинкам…
Близким и не очень, рыжим и блондинкам,
Бедным, и богатым, слесарям, поэтам…
Недостойных счастья в мире просто нету…Ведь когда улыбки добрые встречаешь,
О своих проблемах сразу забываешь…
А когда душою кто-то согревает,
Это значит, счастье всё-таки бывает…
Нужно оглянуться, нужно присмотреться…
Может, в чьём-то сердце к счастью скрыта дверца…
Только вы не бойтесь в эту дверь стучаться…
Пред любовью лучше не сопротивляться…
И толпились люди, занимали место…
Кто-то хочет денег, кто-то стать невестой…
Для кого-то счастье – сплетнями делиться…
Очередь большая… Всё мелькают лица…
Я пришла за счастьем, вот мои ладошки…
Вижу, пусто… Птицы доклевали крошки…
Но с улыбкой мудрой мне ответил Боже,
Что улыбка близких – это счастье тоже…

...............................................I came for happiness, here are my palms…
God, have mercy, share a little…
It is very important for people to wake up thinking,
That hope is alive, that you can't give up…
You have a crowded queue for happiness,
But there are still many who will be afraid.
Join this queue…
But they will also need happiness....
I will give happiness to passersby bit by bit…
Close and not so close, redheads and blondes,
poor and rich, locksmiths, poets…
There are simply no unworthy people in the world…After all, when you meet kind smiles,
You forget about your problems right away…
And when someone warms up with their soul,
This means that happiness does happen…
We need to look around, we need to take a closer look…
Maybe, fortunately, there is a door hidden in someone's heart…
Just don't be afraid to knock on this door.…
Before love, it is better not to resist…
And people were crowding in, taking up space…
Someone wants money, someone wants to become a bride…
For someone, happiness is sharing gossip…
The queue is big… All the faces flash by…
I came for happiness, here are my palms…
I see it's empty… The birds pecked at the crumbs…
But with a wise smile, God answered me,
That the smile of loved ones is happiness too…

Tags:   International Day of happiness holiday poems wishes of happiness to all chamomile garden flower petals song happiness grains core light shadow joy magic mood feeling of love bokeh rays of the sun photo nikon fairy tale

N 51 B 1.1K C 51 E Mar 17, 2024 F Mar 17, 2024
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Прощеное воскресенье – это последний день Масленицы, воскресенье перед началом Великого поста... Поздравляю вас с Прощеным воскресеньем! Желаю вам добра, любви и счастья. Пусть в вашей жизни будет больше радости и меньше печали. Простите всех, кто вас обидел, и сами попросите прощения у тех, кого обидели вы. Ведь прощение — это ключ к счастью и миру в душе. С Прощеным воскресеньем вас!


Forgiveness Sunday is the last day of Maslenitsa, the Sunday before the beginning of Lent... I congratulate you on a Forgiving Sunday! I wish you well, love and happiness. May there be more joy and less sadness in your life. Forgive everyone who has offended you, and ask for forgiveness from those whom you have offended. After all, forgiveness is the key to happiness and peace of mind. Happy Forgiven Sunday to you!I baked these pancakes with cottage cheese, pancakes, pancakes, which I treat you to!

Tags:   Maslenitsa holiday Forgiven Sunday pancakes with cottage cheese photo nikon still life treats pancakes flowers sweets light shadow joy mood happiness delight yummy

N 101 B 1.7K C 61 E Jun 18, 2023 F Mar 16, 2024
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"Swallow's Nest" is an emblem, a symbol of Crimea. A beautiful "knight's castle" on the steep 40-meter Aurora rock of Cape Ai-Todor
near the village of Gaspra (Big Yalta). At first there was a wooden house on this rock. Then it was resold more than once, and in 1912
, an unusual castle-palace - "Swallow's Nest" was built by the baron of the oil industry.
During the earthquake of 1927, part of the rock under it collapsed,
a huge crack formed, the main tower was damaged, the spires fell into
the sea. The castle has been in disrepair for 40 years. And it was only in 1967
that they began to save the pearl of the Crimea. Cracks were concreted
, the base of the castle was strengthened, and the building itself was restored. It's been a long time
There was an expensive restaurant. But since 2011, the renovated castle has been open to all
residents and guests of Crimea, admission is free. It is planned to hold
chamber music concerts, literary evenings here, and an art salon will be opened .The wonderful castle continues to delight visitors with a wonderful
view of the mountains and the sea...Aspiring to heaven like a majestic bird,
At the peak of a sheer granite cliff,
There is a romantic castle with a particle
The history of a long time ago, the possessions of the past ...

On the Cape of Aurora , the ridge of Ai-Todor
Stuck over the abyss like a bird's nest.
And peaks on the roof with a canvas pattern,
Colored glass sparkles in the sun...

Keeps its secrets jealously in the halls,
Gray stones overhang the abyss...
Evening breezes caress zealously...
There the fairy tale and the past merged together.

Epochs are passing away , changing signs,
the surrounding world has long been different,
And the castle above the sea greets the sunrises,
It stands indestructible, Tavrida's idol...

Tags:   Heaven castle Swallow's nest Crimea Yalta Taurida history beauty photo nikon blue sky clouds passion love delight happiness miracle ridges of Ai-Todor sun light shadow epoch fairy tale legend Aurora granite rock romantic castle peak of the peak myth
