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User / grahamnichols47
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Back Garden - we haven't seen many Coal tits over the last 2 or 3 years, however this one currently seems to be visiting regularly - now just need to get it a little bit closer.

Tags:   Coal Tit

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Binibeca - Menorca - our eldest grandson spotted this "speeding" through the Villas garden - I initially thought someone had lost a pet, but further googling showed that these are actually wild in Menorca and Mallorca. I did see another one but it was in deep vegetation.

Tags:   Binibeca - Menorca Hermanns Tortoise

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Back Garden - this Comma barely left this heather in more than 3 hours.

Tags:   Comma Heather

N 16 B 100 C 4 E Aug 24, 2024 F Sep 15, 2024
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Binibeca - Menorca - another of the only really obliging non UK butterfly I saw. We did have a Cleopatra in the Villas garden, I saw it flying close up ,and clearly saw the orange wing blotches, however when it landed it was in the hedge hanging under a leaf with wings closed.

Tags:   Binibeca - Menorca Lang's Short-tailed blue Bupleurum chinense

N 300 B 5.8K C 37 E Sep 11, 2024 F Sep 11, 2024
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Bough Beech (Roy Coles scrape) - this guy made just one brief visit mid afternoon, to the furthest of the remaining perches - not surprising really, as the perches are all surrounded by weed, without any clear water to fish in.

Tags:   Bough Beech Alcedo Athis Kingfisher Roy Coles Scrape
