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User / grahamnichols47 / Sets / Île de Ré
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Île de Ré - France - found in the flower bed adjacent to the pool, it stayed around for 40 minutes or so, whilst photographing it another butterfly landed on an adjacent plant, and I'm pretty sure it was a Long-tailed blue, but it left before I could get any images.

Tags:   Île de Ré - France Geranium Bronze 8425 La Flotte

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Île de Ré - France - one of the few shots not taken by the pool at the Villa we were staying in, near La-Flotte. On this day the 8 of us went by a combination of "hire bike" (everyone seems to cycle here) and "free bus" to nearby Saint-Martin-de-Ré, where our Grandsons were able to have a ride on "donkeys in trousers" (google it for more info!). It was in the field where the donkeys were grazing prior to the rides opening, that I spotted this Clouded Yellow.

Tags:   Île de Ré - France Saint-Martin-de-Ré Clouded Yellow

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Île de Ré - France - it's a shame it's missing one of its tails and a chunk of wing, but I've never seen one before so thought it worth posting. The first sighting was couple of days earlier, (in the same place, over the dividing wall between the 2 villas)but I was too slow to get focussed. Thankfully on this occasion it stayed for some time. Also one seen a couple of days later gliding above the pool, but it didn't settle.

Tags:   Île de Ré - France Scarce Swallowtail Buddleia La Flotte

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Île de Ré - France - one or two of these were seen on 3 or 4 days in the pool area.

Tags:   Île de Ré - France Mallow Skipper La Flotte

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Île de Ré - France - there were a good number of these around the decking by the pool, pretty much all day every day, and on occasions I would find them literally "hanging out" in a couple of conifers, while I was looking for butterflies. I managed to get this one before it disappeared back in the conifer.

Tags:   Île de Ré - France Wall lizard La Flotte
