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User / gjdonatiello
Giuseppe Donatiello / 894 items

N 4 B 112 C 0 E Sep 18, 2024 F Sep 18, 2024
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Partial lunar eclipse that occurred in the early hours of September 18, 2024 observed from Oria, Italy
Credit: Giuseppe Donatiello

Composition of shots referring to the partial lunar eclipse in order to draw the edge of the shadow at the beginning, center and end of the contact. In the external images the Moon was in the advanced penumbra. Note how the brightness has changed due to atmospheric absorption.

Taken with LZOS 500mm f8 3M-5CA MC + Canon EOS 4000D 1/250s @200 ISO

Tags:   Partial Lunar Eclipse

N 1 B 111 C 0 E Sep 18, 2024 F Sep 18, 2024
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Partial lunar eclipse that occurred in the early hours of September 18, 2024 observed from Oria, Italy
Credit: Giuseppe Donatiello

Quick sequence obtained with 1/3 of the shots taken during the small partial lunar eclipse that occurred in the early hours of September 18, 2024 observed from Oria, Italy.
In the lower corner the single shot relating to the maximum that occurred at 2:44 UTC.

Taken with LZOS 500mm f8 3M-5CA MC + Canon EOS 4000D 1/250s @200 ISO
(Other versions will follow)

Tags:   Partial Lunar Eclipse

N 8 B 113 C 0 E Sep 15, 2024 F Sep 16, 2024
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Gamma Andromedae (Alamak)
Credit: Giuseppe Donatiello

127ED@f/27 + MaxCam 1280

Tags:   gamma andromedae Alamak

N 7 B 1.3K C 0 E Sep 15, 2024 F Sep 15, 2024
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Sirius C?
Credit: Giuseppe Donatiello

Viewing some "superframes" of Sirius, I noticed the appearance of a point source in the same direction as Sirius B, the famous white dwarf companion of the star that was originally the main star of the system.
I remember having glimpsed this source, which I called C, also in other videos captured in the past years in one or two frames. Unfortunately some videos were lost with the HD failure in 2017.
I can say, with some confidence, that it is not an artifact but must really be a stellar source very close to the star Sirius A visible at times due to the seeing. This does not mean that the star is part of the system but, more likely, it is just aligned perspectively and much further away. I found it without a doubt in five frames out of 250.
It is also possible that in the past years the object was occulted and is now emerging due to the fast proper motion of the system.
I invite anyone who has captured videos of Sirio at a good focal length (at least 3000mm) to check it out.

ED127mm @f/27 + (DIY) MaxCam 1.3MP cooled CMOS

Tags:   Sirius Sirius B sirius B orbit Sirius C

N 8 B 144 C 0 E Sep 12, 2024 F Sep 12, 2024
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NGC 247
Credit: ESO/Dss2, Giuseppe Donatiello

NGC 247 (also PGC 2758) is a dwarf spiral galaxy at 3.3 Mpc (11.1 Mly) in Cetus. It is a member of the Sculptor Group, the nearest groups of galaxies to the Local Group.

Colorized plate FoV: 40x40 arcmin

Tags:   ngc 247 Sculptor Galaxy Group Sculptor Group
