This is a cross-section and a sneak peek at the internals of Sagittarius model.
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This is a cross-section and a sneak peek at the internals of Sagittarius model.
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This is a cross-section and a sneak peek at the internals of Sagittarius model.
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Sagittarius is an SF model of a long-distance and reusable crewed spacecraft that could in near future travel to inner planets. Design is heavily inspired by the NASA’s Apollo CSM, Orion MPCV and SpaceX’s Dragon spacecraft. Hence the overall capsule-like shape was the back-bone of the entire thing. Other features include: markings for automated guiding system, single hatch, a series of small windows placed in the top-half of the capsule and a heat-shield at the bottom. Because it is an SF model I allowed myself to diverge a little bit from existing spacecrafts designs by introducing the following features: second angle added to the cone to make it more dome-like rather than cone-like (capsule in the model is 16-sided double-angled polygon), increase in overall size, recesses added in a heat-shield (heat-shield in the model is 32-sided polygon) and added 24 engines in them (16 main and 8 auxiliary ones mounted in pairs of 3), instead of using small maneuvering engines for OMS I added 8 bigger ones in a circular pattern (overall all engines use they same methane and liquid oxygen propellant like SpaceX’s Raptor engines do to allow them to reignite multiple times and thus to use them for maneuvering).
Despite that it might look like a simple shape translating it into bricks was a long-lasting (more than 5 months) struggle with ridiculous amounts of issues that had to be resolved. Happily this project successfully reached its finishing line :)
Tags: LEGO MOC spacecraft spaceship
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Sagittarius is an SF model of a long-distance and reusable crewed spacecraft that could in near future travel to inner planets. Design is heavily inspired by the NASA’s Apollo CSM, Orion MPCV and SpaceX’s Dragon spacecraft. Hence the overall capsule-like shape was the back-bone of the entire thing. Other features include: markings for automated guiding system, single hatch, a series of small windows placed in the top-half of the capsule and a heat-shield at the bottom. Because it is an SF model I allowed myself to diverge a little bit from existing spacecrafts designs by introducing the following features: second angle added to the cone to make it more dome-like rather than cone-like (capsule in the model is 16-sided double-angled polygon), increase in overall size, recesses added in a heat-shield (heat-shield in the model is 32-sided polygon) and added 24 engines in them (16 main and 8 auxiliary ones mounted in pairs of 3), instead of using small maneuvering engines for OMS I added 8 bigger ones in a circular pattern (overall all engines use they same methane and liquid oxygen propellant like SpaceX’s Raptor engines do to allow them to reignite multiple times and thus to use them for maneuvering).
Despite that it might look like a simple shape translating it into bricks was a long-lasting (more than 5 months) struggle with ridiculous amounts of issues that had to be resolved. Happily this project successfully reached its finishing line :)
Tags: LEGO MOC spacecraft spaceship
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