Ferns are like delicate wings…of birds, butterflies, fairies…
I just wanna be your side,
If these wings could fly…. 🎧Wings (Birdie)
Cyanotype photography is a camera-less technique that involves laying an object on paper coated with a solution of iron salts before exposing it to UV lights and washing with water to create white and blue images. Exposure time for this image was 45 mins.
Tags: cyanotype blue white frens wings flytoyou thinkofyou sininen plants experiments uvlight photogram photowithoutcamera exposure loveandhappiness
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Follow your heart's call or the direction of your arrow. But wherever you go, whatever your direction, honor it. It's not always easy. But it`s the only path that is yours.
🎧 Follow Your Arrow ( Kacey Musgraves)
Nature is in transition now, winter is giving way to spring. This photo is from December, but nature looks the same now, in March. There is no snow on the branches of the trees and there is debris on the ground torn from the trees by the wind, and the snow cover is shrinking all the time. There is anticipation in the air.
Tags: myhomepath pathtogo woods forest snow latewinter trees loveandhappiness followyour heart arrow kissalot
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It had snowed during the night. My forest was like a soft white embrace in the early morning, welcoming me gently. Giving me a tender hug. Just what I needed.
My forest, waiting for new spring. Finland.
🎧 Into My Arms (Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds)
Tags: missyouwarmspring snow forest woods pathtogo enchantment loveandhappiness mytrails winter pinetrees trees whiteandsoft intomyarms canon finland minunmetsä talvi suomi
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Who has seen the wind?
Neither I nor you
But when the leaves hang trembling
The wind is passing through.
- Christina Rossetti.
For this cyanotype I used snow-dried heathers and small leaves I found in the forest. Exposure time under UV lamp 45 minutes.
🎧Who Has Seen The Wind (Yoko Ono)
Tags: cyanotype syanotypia sininen blue heather leaves plants experiments uvlight photogram photowithoutcamera exposure loveandhappiness blur Finland forest peaceofmind
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Cyanotype, one of my first attempts. I have been looking for a different kind of photography technique for a long time to bring out emotions and experiences from the surrounding nature, in addition to the techniques I already use. Despite my searches, nothing has felt right until I found cyanotype. I have known about it for years but now the pieces are falling into place. And I am hooked.
For all who love blue, green and turquoise 💙
🎧 Visions (Erik Wollo)
Cyanotype is an old photographic technique developed around the 1850s. Iron salts, UV light and water are its basic elements. The exposed image is developed in water and the end result is a blue-toned image.
Tags: cyanotype syanotypia sininen blue green turquoise myfavcolors uvlight plants experiments exposure photogram photowithoutcamera loveandhappiness
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