Both the Maid of the Mist tourboat and the gull know not to get too close to the powerful roaring waters crashing off of Horseshoe Falls, Niagara Falls. I do love how all of the elements come together in this one. The rainbow was present for hours. Shot from the Ontario Canada side of the falls.
Jenny Pansing photos
Tags: Horseshoe Falls Niagara Falls Niagara River Fallsview Ontario Canada ON rainbow vivid brilliant vibrant colorful bird birds ave aves gull flying gull Maid of the Mist tourboat waterfall roaring crashing powerful September late summer blues blue upriver Z 6_II Jenny Pansing
Orange Sulfur butterfly on sunflower. Gorman Heritage farm
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Jenny Pansing photos
Tags: Orange Sulfur butterfly Orange Surlfur Insect butterfly mariposa Schmetterling farfalla borboleta papillon vlinder in the wild Gorman Gorman Heritage Farm autumn fall October sunflower flower flowers blossoms blooms yellow gold golden orange close-up profile antennae proboscis alight pollen nectaring Z 6_II Jenny Pansing
Spotted Cucumber Beetles enjoying the petals of a zinnia at Gorman Heritage Farm.
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Jenny Pansing photos
Tags: beetle Spotted Cucumber Beetle in the wild Gorman Gorman Heritage Farm fall autumn October flower flowers blossoms blooms petals orange yellow red spots spotted Z 6_II Jenny Pansing
Our feeders have attracted many birds during this week of snow. Here is a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, a very rare visitor to my yard.
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Jenny Pansing photos
Tags: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker bird birds ave aves woodpecker winter snow snowing snowy profile close-up beak feathers female female Yellow-bellied Sapsucker feeder tree January snowstorm red black white yellow Z 6_II Jenny Pansing
This American Red Squirrel was loudly scolding us as we walked through the wintry forest. They are also known as "boomers" due to the racket they make.
Jakes Creek Trail, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, TN.
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Jenny Pansing photos
Tags: American Red Squirrel Red Squirrel squirrel boomer in the wild TN Tennessee Smokies GSM Great Smoky Mountains GSMNP Great Smoky Mountains National Park National Park December close-up profile details fur white eye circle eye gleam fluffy tail Jakes Creek Trail hiking trailside Z 6_II Jenny Pansing