Taken with iphone just before 11 am, -56°F (-49°C).
Ice fog doesn't happen very often around here anymore, because we don't often get cold enough (-40 or colder) for it to form.
Ice fog is different from freezing fog, in that freezing fog is made of supercooled liquid droplets, that freeze on contact with surfaces. Often this makes for very beautifully frost-gilded trees and bushes.
Ice fog's droplets are already frozen, moisture sublimating directly in the air, in very cold air, and generally happens only in the Arctic and other very cold regions.
Tags: ice fog cold snap winter sunrise
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Began quickly, faded early....
Tags: northern lights aurora aurora borealis night sky time lapse video
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See how she can keep watch on me, even with her back to me, she shepherds her calf away.
I can't but wonder... is this one of the newborn calves that visited here last summer....?
Tags: moose calf winter
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Chinook winds up to 75 mph barreling over the Interior of Alaska, high winds aloft creating lovely orographic 'battles' in the sky.
Lower altitude winds push low clouds northward while another higher altitude atmospheric force pushes from the north, and those higher altitude clouds whirl in place in the strong chinook winds as the meet with turbulence over the mountains.
Tags: orographic clouds chinook sunset time lapse video
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It's easy to recognize orographic clouds by their distinctive shape, and it's fascinating to watch them whirl in place during high winds aloft events.
Not all that obvious when watching in real time, but in a time lapse video, their dynamic movement can be seen.
Tags: orographic clouds sunset time lapse video
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