A return trip to WWT Slimbridge in Gloucestershire in mid November 2024.
A male Northern Pintail rests on the far side of the Tack Piece Lagoon at Slimbridge.
Slightly bigger than a Mallard, these long-necked and small-headed ducks fly with curved back pointed wings and a tapering tail, making this the best way to distinguish them from other ducks in the UK.
The Northern Pintail is a dabbling duck that breeds in the northern areas of Europe, Asia and North America.
It is highly gregarious when not breeding forming large mixed flocks with other spicies of ducks.
The Northern Pintails hugh range and large population means that is it not threathened globally.
Tags: Avian Bird Canon EF 800mm f5.6 Lens Canon EOS R5m2 Canon R5m2 EOS R5m2 Gloucestershire Nature R5m2 Slimbridge WWT WWT Slimbridge Wildlife Wildfowl And Wetlands Trust Wildfowl WaterFowl Duck Pintail Northern Pintail Anas acuta Dabbling Duck
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A return trip to WWT Slimbridge in Gloucestershire in mid November 2024.
A Lapwing, also known as a Peewitt or Green Plover flying low over the outer fields at Slimbridge.
Its black-and-white appearance and round-winged shape in flight make it distinctive, even without its splendid crest. This familiar Farmland, bird has suffered significant declines recently and is now a Red List species.
Tags: Avian Bird Canon EF 800mm f5.6 Lens Canon EOS R5m2 Canon R5m2 EOS R5m2 Gloucestershire Nature R5m2 Slimbridge WWT WWT Slimbridge Wildlife Wildfowl And Wetlands Trust Wildfowl Wader Lapwing Green Plover Peewit Vanellus vanellus Flight
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A return trip to WWT Slimbridge in Gloucestershire in mid November 2024.
A pair of Northern Shovelers, male and female, are Neck And Neck as they glide in to land on the Tack Piece Lagoon at Slimbridge.
The Northern Shoveler is my favourite Duck that we see in the UK.
The Northern Shoveler, or Shoveler, is a Dabbling Duck and is common in northern areas of Europe, Asia and North America.
The Shovelers bill has developed a comb like structure on its edges which acts like a sieve to filter out food from the water's surface.
Tags: Avian Bird Canon EF 800mm f5.6 Lens Canon EOS R5m2 Canon R5m2 EOS R5m2 Gloucestershire Nature R5m2 Slimbridge WWT WWT Slimbridge Wildlife Wildfowl And Wetlands Trust Wildfowl WaterFowl Duck Dabbling Duck Shoveler Common Shoveler Northern Shoveler Anas clypeata Flight
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A return trip to WWT Slimbridge in Gloucestershire in mid November 2024.
A Pair Of male Tufted Ducks on the Tack Piece Lagoon.
The Tufted Duck is a medium-sized diving duck, smaller than a Mallard. It's black on the head, neck, chest and back, and white on the sides. It has a small crest and a yellow eye. In flight it shows an obvious white stripe across the back of the wing.
Tags: Avian Bird Canon EF 800mm f5.6 Lens Canon EOS R5m2 Canon R5m2 EOS R5m2 Gloucestershire Nature R5m2 Slimbridge WWT WWT Slimbridge Wildlife Wildfowl And Wetlands Trust Wildfowl WaterFowl Duck Dabbling Duck Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula Water
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A return trip to WWT Slimbridge in Gloucestershire in mid November 2024.
A Common Curlew on the far side of the Tack Piece Lagoon.
The Curlew is the largest European wading bird, found on estuaries in winter and moors in summer.
Tags: Avian Bird Canon EF 800mm f5.6 Lens Canon EOS R5m2 Canon R5m2 EOS R5m2 Gloucestershire Nature R5m2 Slimbridge WWT WWT Slimbridge Wildlife Wildfowl And Wetlands Trust Wildfowl Wader Curlew Common Curlew Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata
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