I had a Canon FD 50mm f1.8 S.C. lens years ago and I stupidly sold it. I regretted it because when I Iooked back at the photos I took with it, I realized I enjoyed the rendering of this specific lens.
Well, Thursday I was at a flea market and a vendor had a Nikon and a Canon lens. I asked to see the Nikon and after seeing the focal length I knew it wasn't something I wanted but the Canon...hello! It was another f1.8 S.C.! I checked the focus and aperture smoothness and glass: perfect!
I asked how much and he said $600 New Taiwanese Dollars (NTD) and then I offered $500...he agreed. $500 NTD is @ USD $15.62. Sweet deal.
Anyway, I took it for a spin the next day and it has the same beautiful qualities of my old lens. Thank you, Canon!
Sony A7rii
Canon FD 50mm f1.8 S.C. (1973)
Tags: Sony A7rii Canon FD 50mm f1.4 S.C. Canon Prime lens Prime prime canon lens Taiwan Taichung, Taiwan Taichung
Sony A7rii
Canon FD 50mm f1.8 S.C. (1973)
Tags: Taiwan Taichung a7rii Sony Lightroom Canon monochrome blackandwhite prime Canon50mm