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User / Get my anorak George / Sets / Buses 2012
Simon Flower / 263 items

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One for Mr Revenge...

8758 seen part way through her first restoration visiting Leyland in 2006.

Tags:   A758NNA 8758 Northern Counties Leyland Atlantean Greater Manchester Transport

N 11 B 1.5K C 8 E Aug 27, 2006 F Mar 12, 2012
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The A6 claims another victim. One time WTT collection vehicle, ex MPTE Atlantean 1300, sits in the layby at Dove Holes after the climb proved a little too much for her. This was en route to Crich in August 2006. Luckily we were carrying a spare drum of water and got back on the road after giving her time to cool down. She made it there and back although later showed signs of a head gasket problem.

This would never happen with an ex Manchester Atlantean ;-) ... Well, except for that time we tried it with 8763 and the high water temperature buzzer was screaming on both ascents to Buxton. Luckily we didn't get to this stage.

Tags:   DKC300L Leyland Atlantean MPTE 1300 A6 Dove Holes

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FEK 3F seen in February 2011 while up for sale by Chelmsford Borough Council. Sealed bids were invited and sadly we didn't win. I understand it was bought by someone in France but I don't know if it ever made it there.

Tags:   FEK3F Wigan Corporation Leyland Titan PD2/37 Massey WN 3292

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FEK 3F seen in February 2011 while up for sale by Chelmsford Borough Council. Sealed bids were invited and sadly we didn't win. I understand it was bought by someone in France but I don't know if it ever made it there.

Tags:   FEK3F Wigan Corporation Leyland Titan PD2/37 Massey WN 3292

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FEK 3F seen in February 2011 while up for sale by Chelmsford Borough Council. Sealed bids were invited and sadly we didn't win. I understand it was bought by someone in France but I don't know if it ever made it there.

Tags:   FEK3F Wigan Corporation Leyland Titan PD2/37 Massey WN 3292
